Issue to start flicd on

Wondering if I can get some advice. The add-on logs look ok:

But the service appears stopped and nothing happens when i click start:

Any advice? Uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Can’t get any flic_click events heard.


I am having the same issue. I don’t have a hub but installed the flicd addon - installed fine but will not ‘START’ - any update on this?

6 Brand new Flics waiting to be added and I can’t add any of them.

I migrated to Philips Hue buttons, I’m afraid. Couldn’t get flicd working.

Just had a thought on the Flic integration. I run HA on a RPI4 which should have Bluetooth built in, never actually used it, I just wondered if perhaps for some reason the Bluetooth on the Pi isn’t operating or isn’t working / switched on which is causing the issue with some of us trying to connect Flic buttons?

This is just an uneducated guess, so I may be way off here, but I just cannot get these buttons to pair with HA.