ITHO Daalderop FAN RF remote with C1101 and ESP8266

Hi @Hiker,

I am at the exact same point now you were in November last year. I can turn the ITHO on/off through Home Assistant, but the speed will remain low and I haven’t found a way yet to change this to be used in automation.

Have you found a solution in the meanwhile?


Alright, it’s fixed. Checked the dupont cables, one was maybe not properly connected, was able to gather the RF id of the remote, added it in ESPEasy, then calling services through HomeAssistant to control fan speed. Works perfectly!

Thanks for the code! I was able to control my Itho fan with your code via Home Assistant after soldering a C1101 to a Wemos D1 mini. A few small questions and things that don’t work:

  1. I have an Itho fan with a humidity sensor, so the fan ramps up after someone takes a shower. With the current code I can only set the fan to low/medium/high, not to auto. Ideally I would like to be able to set the fan to high when the living room CO2 gets too high, but revert to auto instead of low. Do you have an idea what would be required to implement that? I’m happy to write code and test to make it work, but guidance would definitely be appreciated.
  2. When I change the fan speed with the Itho remote, or when the Itho sensor adjusts the speed, I don’t see this reflected in Home Assistant. Is this to be expected, is this only supposed to work when you have multiple boards with your code running on it? I can see the fan speed reflected on one of the Itho sensors, so the unit does send out its current state, but it might just not be processed by your program?

Thanks in advance!

The ESPEasy repo shared in this thread does not work with older ECO FAN units, it seems to only work with ECO RTF units (built after 2012).

I have an ECO-FAN 2 at home, and after a lot of debugging, and even going as far as looking at the different protocols that the included fan controller, and the esp8266-c1101 combo, through a signal analyzer, i can say that mine uses a different frequency and protocol.

I can copy-paste from some websites, but TLDR, there exists two variants of the same protocol.

(Dutch comment talking about this, and similar comment, but in english)

Edit: Looking further, there are upgrade boards available to update the fan to receive commands from the new protocol (and remotes), but they’re pricy, around 70 euros here. (The dutch site where I got them had two variants, for slightly newer ones, and for slightly older ones, check the exact product number on the fan before you buy either of them)

Edit 2: Nevermind, that “older one” is about an upgrade from no-remote to the older RF standard, its not the upgrade to RFT that in mind.

Because of this, i’ve made an issue in the ESPeasy repo to add support for the older standard.

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Update: I have figured out the older RF protocol for anyone who would like to take a crack at it and add it to ESPEasy and the likes.

hi all,

does someone know what the MQTT json look like when you want publish from HA to ITHO to start the timer for 10min?

Can we make a summary post for newcomers how to build the ITHO Daalderop FAN RF remote?

  • what do I buy?
  • which ESPHOME source code must be used? Which wiring goes with the library?
  • how do I get the code in the ESP8266?

For newcomers it must be puzzling.

A comparison between the code from jodur and arjenhiemstra may also be helpful. I don’t have an overview of what is going on so I am not the best person to write such a summary post.

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Thank You so much for bringing this up.
I can’t get my head around it anymore.
All the little tweaks they have made yo make it work even better.

Hope someone is willing to share a clear guideline.

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I started putting all information I know on [GUIDE] Controlling ITHO Daalderop fan with ESP8266 and CC1101
This post is in the Community Guides section. This means that everyone can change this post. Please feel free to add/modify the post to keep the information up to date.

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Published my automation which controls my Itho fan on [GUIDE] Controlling Itho Daalderop fan with ESP8266 and CC1101 - #2 by mchangsp

Hey duboiz, did you ever get this fixed?

Hi all.

I have a itho daalderop optima inside cve co2 installed at home and this looks like a fun (and somewhat daunting) project. I don’t have any experience with ESP, nor much knowledge in the way of coding nor soldering but I thinkl I would like to give this a try.

I have found the equipment needed (I think).

Can someone double check for me these bits are OK for the project?


Breadboard DUPONT cable

CC1101 Wireless Module

Thank you :slight_smile:

I also got it to work with my itho daalderop eco fan, I believe it’s from 2009 and it says CVE ECO 2E on the type plate. I used the ESPHome version and this excellent tutorial: GitHub - Scriptman/ESPHome_ITHO_Eco_Fan_CC1101: Library for NodeMCU ESP8266 in combination with Hassio Home Assistant ESPHome ITHO Eco Fan CC1101 (Including older Eco fans!)

@nckslater yes those are the right components. I cut the female dupont cables in half then soldered them to the CC1101.

Bought all the hardware on AliExpress.


Hi Jodur,

I switched over to your ESPHOME / HA version.
Works great but I have a feature request if possible. (I hope i can make a request)
I used to have a Standby mode. With my old firmware./ library (non ESPHOME)
My ITho (when in this Standby mode) then switches to a even lower fan mode then Low.


Standby (lowest speed) / REQUEST
Low (low speed)
Medium (medium speed)
High (high speed)
Then offcourse the timers and join etc.

Is it possible to implement a Standby in this ESPHOME version?

Thanks and greetingz…


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Hi there,

Has anyone succesfully paired the C1101 and an Itho eco-fan p-001 (older itho)?
i’m stuggeling for days with all the different versions of EPhome, Espeasy…but with no result for now.
Or does anyone know the best version to use so my changes of pairing are the highest


Update… solved…
I deleted all my files, started over with this version: GitHub - Scriptman/ESPHome_ITHO_Eco_Fan_CC1101: Library for NodeMCU ESP8266 in combination with Hassio Home Assistant ESPHome ITHO Eco Fan CC1101 (Including older Eco fans!)
If you follow this guide one on one… is works like a charm for the Itho eco-fan p-001.

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I made it myself easy to bought an Itho CVE RFT WiFi add-on from for my CVE ECO 2SP box.
In HA I get 1 entity ‘fan.itho_fan’ with the following attributes:

Attributes of fan.itho_fan:
percentage: 10
percentage_step: 1
preset_mode: null
Speed status: 4.5
Internal fault: 0
Frost cycle: 0
Filter dirty: 0
friendly_name: Itho fan
supported_features: 1

Now I want to replace attribute 'precentages to a text value. My itho does not give me a status of high, medium or low, but only a percentage.
So therefore I created a template sensor like below;

  - platform: template
          friendly_name: Ventilatorstand
          value_template: >-
              {% if is_state_attr('fan.itho_fan', 'percentage', '0') %}
              {% elif is_state_attr('fan.itho_fan', 'percentage', '10') %}
              {% elif is_state_attr('fan.itho_fan', 'percentage', '100') %}
              {% endif %}

The result should be visible in the following card, but I get no result:

type: custom:minimalistic-area-card
title: Bathroom
image: local/img/bathroom.jpg
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: /lovelace-bathroom
  - entity: sensor.fan_stage
    icon: mdi:fan

Where do I make a mistake?

Everything is working here as well. Only my remotes are not seen at all…

I lost and don’t know how to solve.

In past used ESPeasy, but wemos d1r1 board died… haha

solved. There was a wire broken inside plastic. After used new wires everything was working!


Coming back to this challenge of controlling ITHO fans with integrated air exchanger and display properly on HA.
My setup is a ESP8266 controlling my ITHO SPEED and measuring different Temperatures via Dallas probes. ESPEASY reports everything to H-A via MQTT. I can control also fans speed via mqtt. all MQTT exchanges are working fine.

I want a nice card to display and pilot everything: I find this HACS add on GitHub - bolkedebruin/erhv-lovelace: Homeassistant Lovelace Energy Reclaim Home Ventilation card

I’m lost as it seems I need to to use climate entity but documentation is very limited and no clear examples found.
What should I configure in ly YAML files ?

Any support will be appreciated !

Best wishes 2025