Jinja2 for HACS Update

Thanks I had turned it on for the template macro import feature. This stopped my Markdown card showing the available updates. I have turned it off as I like having it the way it was originally designed

Thanks, ran into this myself. I thought, oh - experimental. Cool. Wait, why can’t I see sensor.hacs anymore!?

Here is a Jinja template that’ll count any update sensors that need updating.

{{ states.update | rejectattr('entity_id', 'in',  ['update.frigate_server','update.pi_hole_homepi_core_update_available', 'update.pi_hole_homepi_ftl_update_available', 'update.pi_hole_homepi_web_update_available']) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | list | count }}

You can specify which entities to exclude in the jinja (see the frigate/pihole example above. This should work for my needs, and HTH others!