Join component to send tasker command

I have setup a Tasker profile to act on the message “UpdateMcTasker”.
My “join” notifier setup looks like this:

  - platform: joaoapps_join
    device_id: !secret join_s6_device_id
    name: s6
    api_key: !secret join_api_key

  - name: android
    api_key: !secret join_api_key

And then i have a script that sends the message like this:

- service: notify.s6
    message: 'UpdateMcTasker'

This works fine, but i know it’s suppose to be able to send “UpdateMcTasker” as a tasker command, this way tasker will react, but i dont get the notify on the phone.
On the page i see the example with service and data:
joaoapps_join/send_tasker {“command”:”test”}
But how do i use this in a script in Home-Assistant?
I have tried to use:

`- platform: joaoapps_join/send_tasker

  • platform: joaoapps_join_send_tasker`

But no luck.
Dont find any one that use Join to send tasker commands in the cookbook either.

I send everything by using join, send Tasker commands, and it works perfect… I control also everything in my quick settings toggles… Hass send directly Tasker commands that updates variables in tasker and also my toggles…

Do you have your configuration files on a github for us ut learn from, like them others at ?

If not, maybe you can share some code examples here (just the Hass side)

You have to do it in your automation.yaml file… Like this, for example


- alias: Lights out
    - platform: state
      entity_id: yourlightid
      from: 'on'
      to: 'off'
    service: joaoapps_join.nexus6p_send_tasker
      command: "setvar=:=LivingLampTop=:=Off"

This example I sent two variables with it… so when tasker receive it, it will directly set %LivingLampTop to Off

Perfect it was this line i could not figure out.
Hopefully someone will update the page Joaoapps Join - Home Assistant
with an example as yours, dont know if im the only one that have not been able to figure this out.
Anyway big thanks.

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Join, is not yet that popular… However it can do way more then Pushbullet, etc… Works perfect with tasker.
The developer of Join (and autoapps) is a very good friend of me, we’ve talked a lot with each other, discuss things together. So if you have any questions, fire away…

Also I integrate that with my Quick Toggles, so it will update those toggles. If you are interested to it, I can advise you this: Android: Control Home Automation with Tasker from Quick Toggles

I will look into that as soon as i recive Nougat 7.0

It also works with versions of Android below 7.0… And otherwise you can use Custom Quick Settings :slight_smile:

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If I have time, maybe I will create full tutorials about Home Automation and Tasker… :wink:

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Looking forward to that my friend!

I am using the default settings in my configuration.yaml from

  - name: android
    api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And when i send notification earlier i used

- service: notify.s6
    message: 'UpdateMcTasker'

Now when i try to apply your code like this

- service: joaoapps_join.s6_send_tasker
    command: "UpdateMcTasker"

I got an error.

I found out by trial end error that i had to change my settings in configuration.yaml to

  - name: s6
    device_id: !secret join_s6_device_id
    api_key: !secret join_api_key

And now it works as intended.

I think a lot of people would like that, i know your fantastic tasker work from your Google+ Group, and i think you could do wonders for this community

Just remember, the service notify join is used to send just messages… The service joaopps join is used to send tasker commands, ringing your devices, send urls… and yes, in your notify yaml file, you have to use the ID of your device, so that api knows which device it has to send to…

Im trying out some more Join features, on the page theres an example where you can include “icon” & “smallicon” when you send a notification message.
But when i try like this:

  - service: notify.s6
      message: 'Matte has left the building'
      title: 'HASS'
      icon: ''
      smallicon: ''

I get an error

16-10-29 18:25:44 homeassistant.core: Invalid service data for notify.s6: extra keys not allowed @ data['icon']. Got ''
extra keys not allowed @ data['smallicon']. Got ''

How do i include the possibility to send custom icons?

@mcfrojd @broesie Sorry to Hijack this thread.

I would like to help anyone one out who is still trying to figure how to use join for notifications (not just for tasker commands) and hopefully someone can help me with sms.

It took me almost 2 days to get this going but I am still having trouble with sms. The joaoapps_join component page is a great place to start but was not formatted all that well for a beginner like me to get things up and running as easily as possible.

Below is my config for anyone that would like to use it,
Add these 2 to your configuration.yaml file

  - platform: joaoapps_join
    device_id: d5asdfasdf54645h45h368761dfe5gt8a *your unique device id from join
    name: droid 'the name for your notify service' *optional
    api_key: asd97823jb628a34fwsdfwefd5384345tf2d     *optional

#the following component will create a service that you can call in your automations
  - name: android *can be anything you want
    device_id: *this can be used to send to predefined group in join or to a specific device using the device id
    api_key: asd97823jb628a34fwsdfwefd5384345tf2d

Now that you have added the top components to your configuration.yaml file you can get started with automation.

below is an example automation for my doorbell

  alias: DB test
    platform: mqtt
    topic: /db/button/state
    payload: 0
    service: joaoapps_join.6p_send_url *the service is formatted 'domain.service'
      url: "

The above automation sends a push notification to my device with the link,
For a list of available services for the joaoapps_join domain, you can go to services under developer tools.

Now for my issue,

I have tested the above automation and get push notification every time.

However, when I try to do sms nothing happens. I have tested the service in the developer tools by attaching the following json data under the 6p_send_sms service and was able to receive a text message.

   "number":"5553334444", *this is a fake number

Now when I try it in my configuration.yaml file, nothing happens,

  alias: DB test
    platform: mqtt
    topic: /db/button/state
    # Optional
    payload: 0
    service: joaoapps_join.6p_send_sms
      number: "5551234567" *This is a fake number
      message: "test"

Any ideas?

Is your setup still working good? My join notifier stops working after a while and needs a HASS restart to start working again.

Still working

I am relatively a noob, and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to set a Tasker variable to a sensor value or an attribute value from Home Assistant.

I can get Home Assistant to send me a message through Join with those values, but I cant get it to send the value as a Tasker command correctly.

For example, this works perfectly (I used the front end to add this script):

alias: Send Message to Tasker
  - data:
      message: Family room receiver is set to {{ states('sensor.family_room_receiver_source') }}
    service: notify.phones

With this, I get the following Join message on my phone, “Family room receiver is set to Sonos.” Which is perfect.

But if I use the same logic with sending a Tasker command, it fails.

alias: Send Variable to Tasker
  - data:
      command: setvar=:=FrRec=:={{ states('sensor.family_room_receiver_source') }}​
    service: joaoapps_join.android_send_tasker

​The variable FrRec in Tasker will change to “{{ states(‘sensor.family_room_receiver_source’) }},” not “Sonos” like it should.

Any suggestions?

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Did you ever figure out a solution for this? It would reduce the number of required automations significantly…