JQ-300/200/100 Indoor Air Quality Meter

I just sent it by email to you :slight_smile:
I already tried without success:

  • unbinding the device from the app, then rebinding
  • reconnecting the device to Wifi (pushing the button 3 seconds)

I tried the same script with the @Hummel95’s device token. The result, alas, is predictably deplorable. So it’s definitely not IP blocking.

Connected with result code 0

I was wait for 2 minutes…

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The result for your token is the same:

Connected with result code 0

What if the reason is the device number?
Everything works. My device number is 155xx.
Non-working device numbers: 231xx, 244xx

@DGA45, What hundreds is your device number?

@Tomaae, What about your device? You bought it before mine. Does it work fine now? Please look, what hundreds the number of your device is.

I get the impression that their servers are simply overloaded and do not have time to process the data …

My device number is 254xx.
What is strange also is that on the application, the daily graphs are still working.
However, the humidity is not displayed (no value).

So the device is correctly sending values to the cloud, and the app can retrieve some values history, certainly thru API and not MQTT.

Answer: Detected I/O inside Event loop · Issue #28 · Limych/ha-jq300 · GitHub

I just received JQ300 today, but I cannot get updates either.
The device number is 280xx. The result of the above script is “Connected with result code 0” only.

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Hi all,
just a small warning / information: Today, I upgraded to HomeAssistant 2021.4.0 which broke version 0.8.1 for me due to I/O error. Maybe consider this if you are also affected by this device-ID dependent issue.

Hello i have problem shows “unavailable” on values . but when i restart the HA shows me for 5 sec the correct values and after 5 switch to unavailable . JQ-300

Welcome aboard!

Read from here: JQ-300/200/100 Indoor Air Quality Meter

Hello again for a weird reason today all day from morning everything is working fine!

Thank you for your reply.

I would like to note that I made a comment to Apple store on the app for the device.

I am not sure if this make any difference. If any anyone has same problem let test it again

Thanks for good news!

@Hummel95, @DGA45, @rewse, @McGiverGim, The word is yours. Has everything worked or is there still no updates?

I think all of them.

In my case it still is broken. No updates for me.

Unfortunately, still broken also for me :sob: :scream: :tired_face:

Same for me - still not working.

Still not working for me.

Also still broken over here. I’m using Android, maybe the app in the Apple-store did get an update? On my android the app didn’t get an update.

Are all of you @McGiverGim @DGA45 @Hummel95 @rewse also using Android?

When I don’t use Home Assistant yes, I’m on Android. But I doubt it matters.

This is awesome. Before diving into this… is there a cloudless alternative?