JQ-300/200/100 Indoor Air Quality Meter

Could you please send me this APK? [email protected]

You can download all versions here: https://apkpure.com/perthings/com.wanghu.ypyt if you are interested.

When it “really” works, you don’t need to enter from time to time to see the “new” value. It refreshes automatically while you are seeing the application. It is real that the new 3.x.x version of the app does not show any value, so is better the old version than the new.

Mail sent.

Now I do not get any sensor in the integration.

I see that every time I chose reload from the integration menu I get new values, but after 30 seconds the sensors become unavailable. What does the reload do differently?

I’ve sorted that by using an automation to reload the integration every minute…

This way you will get IP ban from cloud owners very quickly. Reduce the frequency of reloads to once every 10 minutes.

Any chance of sharing this? :slight_smile:

Here it is set for every 10 mins :frowning:

That’s using the entry_id, which you will find in the file /config/.storage/core.config_entries (I assume it’s different for each of us!)

You can also use the UI and simply pick one the JQ entities … YMMV

alias: Reload JQ300
description: ''
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /10
condition: []
  - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entry_id: d54896c61194a4360e76920e6005da57
mode: single
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Thanks, it works. :grinning:

How could this be done to keep the value fixed for 10 minutes?
In a few seconds the value becomes unavailable.

You can manually patch the component code so that the available method always returns True.

Or wait: I plan to release a version of the component in the near future, where it will be possible to enable such a forced update mode.

Thank you for the great effort you make.

Without touching anything, surprisingly a few hours ago he started giving readings every minute.


It’s not me! I did not do anything! I am not guilty! :laughing:


Same here … mine is now working properly. How curious!

Same here too!

Marvelous! Mine is working perfectly, too.

Also here it works again suddenly like before… I almost had thrown it at the garbage :slight_smile:

can anyone recco some nice sensor for pm2.5, tvoc/ hcho? something accurate with nice calibration? thanks

Any way to get this data locally?

Not at this moment.

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I don’t know what is happening, but my sensors are going from unavailable to the correct value constantly. I don’t know if maybe the sensor wants a new value each X seconds and if it goes late it goes to unavailable and something at the cloud now is slower than before.
Someone with the same issue?