For me, I run Zigbee2MQTT on a Pi, and plugged the stick in there.
Both Zigbee and ZWave run on separate Pi’s, which gives me the advantage that should Home Assistant catastrophically die in some way. Although it’s a bit less convenient - I can still control the Zigbee and ZWave devices via the web interfaces that both servers offer.
Zigbee2mqtt supports the most devices. I switched from deCONZ to Zigbee2mqtt because some devices I wanted to use didn’t have support on deCONZ. Also back then the deCONZ add-on randomly crashed multiple times day, making all devices to respond for a minute. Perhaps that’s fixed by now, but I’m glad I switched. Some devices have more features as well. Also Zigbee2mqtt gets updated a lot faster and keeps adding new devices very fast as well. Up intill now, Zigbee2mqtt has been rocksolid stable for me, no crashes and great support for new Zigbee devices.
Use this site to see what Zigbee devices are supported on which integration My advise is to check what Zigbee devices you now have (or plan on buying) and make sure to pick the integration that supports those devices.
in fact development of zigbee2mqtt is very active, thus you can expect quick updates adding new devices.
Besides of that, mqtt way is IMO the best one considering architecture and maintenance.
regarding installation, you can start with z2m HA add-on. But indeed, it might be even more reliable to run it on separate hw, independently from HA. It allows you to deploy it in the centre of house or in place optimal for zigbee coverage. in such a case HA just connects mqtt server available in your local network
Is there a YouTube or guide how to set it up, I thinki will go with a separate ha zigbee controler . I guess I can start it up in a separate VM on my server until I get a pi. Do you use cable or is WiFi enough to the ha zigbee server.
Personally I have no experience on deploying z2m on indpendent HW. I suppose the z2m docs provide enough information about that.
Regarding WiFi, IMO it will work, maybe even without significant delays. But wifi introduces lower reliability so personally I would do my best to wire it up.
That is more or less how I installed my Zigbee2MQTT, except I did not install the mosquitto add-on, but run mosquitto bare metal on the pi I installed Zigbee2MQTT on.