Just unlocked aqara cube potential

Hi everybody,
I just wanted to share a find regarding aqara cube and home assistant.
I have set a sort of “per room” automation, involving cube movements, and it works as follow (by now):

cube’s movements used are:
flip 90 degrees
flip 180 degrees
shake on air
double tap on table

Automations per room are set as:

  • studio
  • living room (with tv settings)

configuration is:

Flip 90 degrees:

  • disables the “living room” scenes
  • enables the “studio” scenes

Flip 180 degrees:

  • enables the “living room” scenes
  • disables the “studio” scenes

Studio scenes:

  • move: toggle ceiling light
  • rotate: dim light
  • shake: toggle wall light
  • double tap: turns heater on

Living room scenes:

  • move: toggle ceiling light
  • rotate: toggle night light
  • shake: enter tv settings

Tv settings (via RM-Mini -ir hub-)

  • move: volume up
  • rotate: volume down
  • flip 90: channel up
  • flip 180: ok button
  • double tap: exit tv settings (back to “living room” settings)
  • shake: turn off tv

I am in the studio, turn the cube 90 degrees:

  • move and turn on/off the light
    want to move to the living room:
  • turn the cube 180 degrees:
    now i want to turn tv on:
  • shake it to turn on tv and enter tv mode
  • move to raise volume
  • double tap to exit tv mode
  • move to turn off living room light

What do you think about it?

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I have something like that. You may use the same movements to cycle between “modes” (flip 90 enable “living room”, flip 90 again, enable “studio”) as long as you provide some feedback to the user, like blink a light or TTS.