Just Upgraded to NodeRED Add-on v14.5.0, all sorts of errors I've never seen before in the add-on log and debug log

Thanks for that info. I (and I’m sure others) just thought that this was being overlooked. I get the need for the developer to have a vacation.

Doesn’t work here. The Add-on will not start.

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Does anyone know if we can install an earlier version of the add-on? I would revert to a system snapshot but this has been an ongoing issue for a few weeks.

Updated today from ha 2023.8.4 to 2023.9.3 and was already on version 14.5.0 with 2023.8 and the problem did not occure on 2023.8 but when i updated this morning to 2023.9 my disk with a free space of 15GB was within an hour full because of this problem.
I manually commented out the lines 772-775 and problem is for now gone.

Yeah, my NR won’t start with that command either.

Reverted back and getting the errors below, same as earlier. I’m on v14.5.0 of the add-on now.

NR Errors within

9/29/2023, 9:46:19 AM
msg : string[270]
“Deprecated API warning: Calls to RED.util.evaluateJSONataExpression must include a callback. This will not be optional in Node-RED 4.0. Please identify the node from the following stack and check for an update on npm. If none is available, please notify the node author.”
9/29/2023, 9:46:20 AM
msg : string[1626]
“Error: ↵ at Object.evaluateJSONataExpression (/opt/node_modules/@node-red/util/lib/util.js:775:18)↵ at JSONataService.evaluate (/opt/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/dist/common/services/JSONataService.js:58:39)↵ at TypedInputService.getValue (/opt/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/dist/common/services/TypedInputService.js:58:85)↵ at EventsAll.getTypedInputValue (/opt/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/dist/nodes/BaseNode.js:134:39)↵ at /opt/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/dist/nodes/BaseNode.js:138:32↵ at Array.forEach ()↵ at EventsAll.setCustomOutputs (/opt/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/dist/nodes/BaseNode.js:137:20)↵ at EventsAll.onHaEventsAll (/opt/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/dist/nodes/events-all/controller.js:57:18)↵ at EventEmitter. (/opt/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/di…”

@DeltaNu1142 @stevemann

This is probably giving an error due to the

“ ”

in the OrangeMeeples post.

Try this:

sed -i "772,775d" /opt/node_modules/@node-red/util/lib/util.js

With that corrected command, NR starts and… yep, no errors on startup. Zero errors is uncommon for me, but I just disabled a whole error-prone seasonal flow this morning in preparation for winter. So, zero. :+1:t2:

Oh right! That was the problem (why didn’t I think of it myself?

And the error is Node-Red is now gone.

Well, yes. If you delete the Node Red entity, the error is gone.

I missed the word processor quotes that the forum editor changes double-quotes to. It should have been posted in code brackets.

At any rate, it works here and I am not seeing the errors any longer.

Does anyone know if tis mutes all errors or just this specific one?

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Oh, my mistake! Apologies and thanks walberjunior. I think I didn’t enter it as code in my reply so it changed the quotes around.

My addon updated and error is gone. Thanks!!!

That’s great news!
Should we revert the changes some of us made (the sed -i command)?
If so, how could we do that?


All of a sudden, my automations stopped working in my house.
When I looked into HA, I could see that NodeRed was no longer running.

When I click on “Start App”, the following error appears:
Image ghcr.io/hassio-addons/node-red/amd64:14.6.1 does not exist for addon_a0d7b954_nodered"

I can’t update the app either.
When I click on the “Update” button, nothing happens.
Current version: 14.6.1

I have not changed anything on the HA. The error occurred from one moment to the next.
Does anyone here have the same problem or can tell me what the problem is?

The image does not exist error answer/information, can be found in this issue:


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Please let us know the results… :laughing:

I have reverted the sed init command (and restarted NR, of course) and I do not see any errors.

Can you let us know how you did that?
I’m not familiar with the “sed” command.

So, maybe you mean it cannot be reverted?

Just remove the line in the add-on configuration and restart it.