KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

Hey everyone,

trying to use Keymaster on 2023.1.7 and I am running into an issue where I can not do anything like see or set pins. I have followed all the steps (a few times) and I have cleared my browser cache on Edge and Chrome, but I get nothing but this. I have tried expanding the entities, but seems they dont. If it matters, I am using Z-waveJS w. a Schalge BE469ZP

Thanks for any help!

is there a way to hide all of the automations and what not that keymaster installs within HA?

Not at present. It’s an issue that all integrations that create automations have. There’s been several topics about organizing and categorizing automations in general. Personally, I would like for a filter option for just hiding all of the automations that can’t be edited via the UI and have it be on by default!

I’ve taken to pre-pending all automations that I personally create with a numeric so things like:

  • 0 - Do thing
  • 0 - Do the other thing
  • 1 - Do this thing that a 0 might depend on or some other reason I want it sorted lower
  • etc…

That at least lets me get the stuff that I can directly make changes to easier to find.

If anyone else is suffering through this, I found the issue. I had (probably before HACS?) installed markdown-mod manually. It was throwing this whole thing off. Deleting it from the system fixed the issue!

Thank you for posting your solution :grinning: . I had the same issue with the markdown-mod. Removing it fixed my issue, also.

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I thought keymaster was going to be a great way to control my 7 locks and 5 codes each, but wow does it create a dizzying number of automations and entities!!! My automations list had pages and pages and pages of keymaster automations, seriously several hundred. There has to be a better way to update codes to locks and trigger an event when a code is used. Going to take a look at this to see if it will work. Wonder what it would take to get the home assistant devs to create a native solution for locks?

Yes, it’s very painful the way it was done. I have 5 locks, and it’s huge numbers of devices that really get in the way of everything. But its a pain to remove them all - I’ve done it twice and then eventually reinstalled it.

I wish we could get something simpler…

Hey guys, thanks for this integration. Its working well for me. I do regret choosing to install all 10 slots for each of my locks as I only need 3 at the most. I want to remove slots 4 through 10, but I don’t want to uninstall and re-install.

Would it be a big mistake for me to simply remove the files (for example) frontdoor_keymaster_4.yaml
through frontdoor_keymaster_10.yaml from /config/packages/keymaster/frontdoor and then reboot? That should remove all the unneeded entities, automations, etc… for the front door lock, correct? Obviously I can edit the lovelace card to remove all references to the removed entities for slots 4 through 10.

I tried to do what you’re about to try to do. Lets just say I ended up writing down my 4 codes, completely uninstalling and then reinstalling - it was much, MUCH easier to keep track of…

So I had this same exact problem with my cleaners. Here was my solution. If no one was home and you entered your code into your lock my appdaemon automation would disarm the house when the door lock was entered. I instructed my cleaners (and later realtors when I was selling my house) to leave the door open while you’re here because if you close the door then the house would rearm itself. This is of course assuming that you have a storm door or something else so that you’re not just wide open to the outside world. The cleaners/realtors would come and unlock the door, house disarms and I get a notification on my phone that the house was disarmed and nobody is home. Upon departure they close the door, my automation automatically locks the door once the door sensor reports that its closed, and arms the house back up. Not sure if you use appdaemon or not but if you’d like to see my code for this I’d be more than happy to share with you.
EDIT: I also use my door locks as my source of truth. So if you enter your door lock code on any of my key pads or tablets to disarm the house, so long as your code is in the system and enabled and connected then my code treats it as a valid code that can be used to disarm the house. This way I don’t have to manage the alarm codes in multiple places. They’re in one location and that is all that matters.

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Just updated… the instructions said to run “keymaster.generate” after restart. That does not work - “failed to call service keymaster.generate”

Thanks. Please tell me, were the extra entities actually gone after an uninstall and reinstall or did you also have to manually remove them from the entity_registry? The way I mentioned before is leaving them in the entity_registry which I presume will require me to manually remove each one. What a headache!

Edit: Turned out to not be so bad. After deleting the yaml files, used the GUI to filter all of FrontDoor_10 entities, then selected all using the top checkbox and then remove. Had slots 5-10 for all locks deleted in about 10 minutes. Deleted all the extra lovelace cards, and I can’t find any leftover entities, automations, etc…

So I ran into the same issue. Go to your lock under Settings > Devices and Integrations > Keymaster click on lock, click on configure and then click on submit. Don’t make any changes (unless you need to) and it will trigger the service to generate the new files.

I reached the same conclusion and yes it’s OK now…

Hi all - this is an incredibly basic question but does Home Assistant / Keymaster have to be running for the codes created to work on the door?

Or does the extension somehow add the new codes over zwave and once they’ve been added to the lock, they’ll still work even if HA somehow crashes?

HA does not need to be running, keymaster configures the lock over zwave with the codes

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After installing the latest update in HACS and running the script to generate new lock manager files, do I need to do anything else?

How do i clean up old automations for slots no longer used? When i initially setup the integration I added more slots than I needed so I updated the number of slots and scripts got regenerated. Now on the Home Assistant UI everything is good. Automations only show for the number of slots I have. However on the Android companion app when trying manage tiles it still lists all the slots that I had originally setup. I even tried deleting and adding the integration again and that did not help.

Anything else I can try?

Great idea. Unfortunately, I don’t have a storm door on the door. Been thinking about adding one anyway, so if we do, this is a good idea.

Thanks for the thought.

Something odd happening with keymaster.generate_scripts - it’s only creating the entities for some of the locks. Looking in packages/keymaster it’s making scripts for slots 1, 2, 5, 6 and 10 but missing 3, 4, 7 and 8. In lovelace the first group all work but the second group show Entity Not Available errors for sensor.connected_door_x and binary_sensor.active_door_x

When I run keymaster.generate scripts I immediately get an error. Have tried looking at debug logs but nothing helpful.

EDIT: I’ve just manually created the missing .yaml files in /packages/keymaster and edited them to change the code number appropriately. Seems to have fixed it. No idea why the script failed to create those ones.