KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

same result

Are you unlocking with the code?

tried both manual and the code

Lets make sure everything’s working correctly. Go to Dev-Tools → Events

Enter keymaster_lock_state_changed and press Start Listening then fiddle with your lock and come back. You should see things like this:

Think i found the issue, I need to tidy up my config directory / make notes of the config

I forgot my scripts are individual files in a “scripts” directory, I also had a scripts.yaml file.

On adding the scripts the correct way - it resolved the notifications.

Apologies about wasting time for you.

I did have to turn on the lock notifications to get it to work though.

No worries, at least you figured it out :slight_smile:

(Apologies if this has been asked. I’ve tried searching and can’t find any solutions.)

  • I have a Yale Zwave lock (YRL256) that I programmed with a code from the keypad BEFORE I began using keymaster. For that reason, Keymaster appears to be having some trouble synchronizing ‘Code Slot 1’. It can read (or at some point did read) the code in Slot 1 (sensor.xxxx_code_slot_1), but can’t do anything more.

  • I’ve confirmed automation.synchronize_codeslot_xxxx_1 is ON.

  • All of the other code slots work fine.

  • I thought perhaps codes that were input manually could not be synchronized by Keymaster, so I deleted it using the keypad. The code_slot_1 sensor still shows me the old code, even though I deleted it (and I’ve confirmed it no longer works).

  • When Code Slot 1 is disabled in Keymaster, it always shows “disconnecting” instead of disconnected. If I try to input and enable a new code, it remains stuck on “connecting”.

  • So I assume for some reason keymaster is unable to synchronize code slot one.

Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give!

Have you checked to see if switching the code to something else actually changes it? I have some weird status issues with mine as well, but it changes the door codes correctly when testing the codes on the door.

@smizles what do you mean by:

then copy-pasted the config file into the raw editor for lovelace.

Which file specifically? The lockname_lovelace file? And for which lock? The parent, the child, or both?

Thank you

That is what I tried first. No amount of trying to change the code does anything. If input a new code in the frontend and enable it via the input_boolean slider, the status sits on “connecting” forever and never reaches “connected”. Similarly, if I disable it, it sits on “disconnecting” forever and never reaches “disconnected”.

Meanwhile, I can make changes to the other code slots with no problems. They all properly show the code status as “connected/disconnected” when i enable/disable.

(Forgot to mention in my first post: I’ve also tried the ‘reset code slot’ option, but that doesn’t achieve anything either. It clears the name/code from the frontend card but doesn’t make any changes to the lock itself. The status remains stuck on “disconnecting”.)

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Unfortunately I didn’t grab the version before update, but it would have been a few versions back.

How would I trigger regenerating the scripts?

Either call the service:

service: keymaster.generate_package
  lockname: <lockname>

or press Configure and press Submit

The config/custom_components/keymaster/lovelace.code file as was specified in the keymaster documentation when I originally set it up back in May (version 0.33 I think?).

@tismondo My issue sounds exactly the same as yours, except the code properly propagates to the child lock somehow. Do you use child lock(s) in your setup?

P.S. I am about to upgrade from version 0.0.51 to 0.0.56 to see if that resolves the issue.

When in doubt, delete your integrations, lovelace sections, and start over. Periodically I delete packages/keymaster/ just to be sure everything is “clean”.

If you’re having a really hard time, exclude your zwave lock, factory reset it, then include it back into your zwave network. That procedure has only failed me one time, but that instance was because my lock got bricked. Fortunately Schlage sent me a free replacement.

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@smizles No child locks in my setup.

@FutureTense I’ll try a fresh start with the integration next and report back here.


@FutureTense @firstof9 For info, when attempting to re-install Keymaster in HACS after a full wipe, I get the warning

You are running Home Assistant version '2021.7.4', but this repository requires minimum version '2021.8.0b0' to be installed.

2021.7.4 is the latest stable version; any idea why HACS is restricting it to beta testers only?

This change was rolled back, the next version of KeyMaster will require 2021.8.x or higher due to HA code changes.

Guys, when I completely delete all the integrations, I still have a bunch of entities around under “input daytime” (that all are named either end or start), and “input boolean” (that are named after days of the week, Enabled, and Enforce PIN limit, etc…). Why do they not disappear?

How do I manually remove them?

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You can remove them manually from: Link to Helpers – My Home Assistant

I was curious if the auto lock feature is supposed to look at the door status (open/closed) because I’ve noticed that even if the door is open, the lock still tries to lock. I don’t know if it matters, but I’m using a separate door sensor as the lock doesn’t have one. (Yale Assure)

Everything else seems to work great!

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