KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

Well I feel stupid now.
Thanks that fixed it…

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Hello all,

Could you all tell me if you are getting the below in the services section of your watchman report regarding keymaster? Is this normal? And if not, what is the best way to fix this (I don’t believe I have modified anything regarding keymaster in my config so I have a feeling it is normal.

Thank you all for any guidance you can give on this.

-== Watchman Report ==- 

-== Missing # service(s) from # found in your config:
| Service ID                     | State   | Location                                                     |
| script.keymaster_garage_entry_ | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| manual_notify                  |         | n.yaml:29,162,183,200                                        |
| script.keymaster_front_door_ma | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| nual_notify                    |         | ml:29,162,183,200                                            |
| script.keymaster_back_door_man | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| ual_notify                     |         | :29,162,183,200                                              |
| script.keymaster_LOCKNAME_manu | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:29,1 |
| al_notify                      |         | 62,183,200                                                   |
| script.keymaster_LOCKNAME_rese | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:146  |
| t_codeslot                     |         |                                                              |
| script.keymaster_LOCKNAME_rese | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:237  |
| t_lock                         |         |                                                              |
| script.keymaster_LOCKNAME_copy | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:214         |
| _from_parent_TEMPLATENUM       |         |                                                              |

I don’t use watchman, but after having looked over what the integration does and the entities that you’re seeing. I would say this is perfectly reasonable.

Each of the script.keymaster__manual_notify would be the scripts that keymaster tries to call for each of your locks (garage_entry, front_door, back_door) upon a notification event. Those are scripts that you are expected to create for those notifications to work.

Each of the LOCKNAME scripts that you see are actually the templates that are in the keymaster integration itself that it uses during configuration of a given lock for you.

Thank you for your response and the logic involved with the response. Very thankful and thank you for thing in the past you have helped me with also! Very appreciative!!

@tykeal I have now started to go through the entities shown in watchman and these are the ones showing up related to keymaster. What is your opinion of these? Thank you for your advice/ guidance again.

The ones with “child” in the name kind of make sense to me being in the list because I didn’t use any child locks or behaviors like that. But the ones that concern me are things like “input_datetimes” etc. I hadn’t noticed anything not working right so maybe I’m making a deal out of nothing (essentially trying to clean things up too much with watchman)

Thank you for your views with regards to this.

| input_boolean.enabled_garage_e | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| ntry_                          |         | n.yaml:46,214,227                                            |
| input_boolean.notify_garage_en | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| try_                           |         | n.yaml:57,178                                                |
| input_number.accesscount_garag | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| e_entry_                       |         | n.yaml:60,263                                                |
| input_datetime.start_date_gara | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| ge_entry_                      |         | n.yaml:64                                                    |
| input_datetime.end_date_garage | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| _entry_                        |         | n.yaml:69                                                    |
| input_boolean.daterange_garage | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| _entry_                        |         | n.yaml:74                                                    |
| input_boolean.accesslimit_gara | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| ge_entry_                      |         | n.yaml:77,251                                                |
| input_boolean.reset_codeslot_g | missing | packages/keymaster/garage_entry/garage_entry_keymaster_commo |
| arage_entry_                   |         | n.yaml:80                                                    |
| input_boolean.enabled_front_do | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| or_                            |         | ml:46,214,227                                                |
| input_boolean.notify_front_doo | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| r_                             |         | ml:57,178                                                    |
| input_number.accesscount_front | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| _door_                         |         | ml:60,263                                                    |
| input_datetime.start_date_fron | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| t_door_                        |         | ml:64                                                        |
| input_datetime.end_date_front_ | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| door_                          |         | ml:69                                                        |
| input_boolean.daterange_front_ | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| door_                          |         | ml:74                                                        |
| input_boolean.accesslimit_fron | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| t_door_                        |         | ml:77,251                                                    |
| input_boolean.reset_codeslot_f | missing | packages/keymaster/front_door/front_door_keymaster_common.ya |
| ront_door_                     |         | ml:80                                                        |
| input_boolean.enabled_back_doo | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| r_                             |         | :46,214,227                                                  |
| input_boolean.notify_back_door | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| _                              |         | :57,178                                                      |
| input_number.accesscount_back_ | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| door_                          |         | :60,263                                                      |
| input_datetime.start_date_back | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| _door_                         |         | :64                                                          |
| input_datetime.end_date_back_d | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| oor_                           |         | :69                                                          |
| input_boolean.daterange_back_d | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| oor_                           |         | :74                                                          |
| input_boolean.accesslimit_back | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| _door_                         |         | :77,251                                                      |
| input_boolean.reset_codeslot_b | missing | packages/keymaster/back_door/back_door_keymaster_common.yaml |
| ack_door_                      |         | :80                                                          |
| input_number.volume_smart_spea | missing | scripts/googlespeakerannouncementshutdown.yaml:16            |
| ker_default                    |         |                                                              |
| media_player.googlehome_downst | missing | scripts/googleannouncehardcode.yaml:6,10,18,21,28,32,41,47,5 |
| airs                           |         | 1,57                                                         |
| input_boolean.enabled_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:46,2 |
| _                              |         | 14,227                                                       |
| input_boolean.notify_LOCKNAME_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:57,1 |
|                                |         | 78                                                           |
| input_number.accesscount_LOCKN | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:60,2 |
| AME_                           |         | 63                                                           |
| input_datetime.start_date_LOCK | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:64   |
| NAME_                          |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.end_date_LOCKNA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:69   |
| ME_                            |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.daterange_LOCKNA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:74   |
| ME_                            |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.accesslimit_LOCK | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:77,2 |
| NAME_                          |         | 51                                                           |
| input_boolean.reset_codeslot_L | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:80   |
| OCKNAME_                       |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.keymaster_LOCKNA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:103, |
| ME_autolock                    |         | 297,333,346,372,386                                          |
| timer.keymaster_LOCKNAME_autol | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:109, |
| ock                            |         | 112,273,317,352,363,378,395                                  |
| input_boolean.keymaster_LOCKNA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:130, |
| ME_retry                       |         | 284,294,340,367,381,392                                      |
| input_boolean.LOCKNAME_lock_no | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:159, |
| tifications                    |         | 180                                                          |
| input_boolean.LOCKNAME_dooracc | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:195  |
| ess_notifications              |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.LOCKNAME_reset_l | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:232, |
| ock                            |         | 239                                                          |
| lock.boltchecked_LOCKNAME      | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:306, |
|                                |         | 355                                                          |
| script.keymaster_LOCKNAME_star | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:337, |
| t_timer                        |         | 397                                                          |
| script.boltchecked_retry_LOCKN | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:429  |
| AME                            |         |                                                              |
| script.boltchecked_lock_LOCKNA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_common_child.yaml:429  |
| ME                             |         |                                                              |
| input_number.accesscount_LOCKN | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:157,161,331 |
| AME_TEMPLATENUM                |         | ,926                                                         |
| input_boolean.accesslimit_LOCK | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:165,318,925 |
| NAME_TEMPLATENUM               |         |                                                              |
| binary_sensor.pin_synched_LOCK | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:174,963,979 |
| NAME_TEMPLATENUM               |         |                                                              |
| sensor.LOCKNAME_code_slot_TEMP | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:180,943     |
| LATENUM                        |         |                                                              |
| binary_sensor.active_LOCKNAME_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:186,199,945 |
| TEMPLATENUM                    |         | ,962,978                                                     |
| input_boolean.override_parent_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:210,223,239 |
| LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM           |         | ,255,273,291,309,327,342,360,376,391,408,425,440,455,472,489 |
|                                |         | ,504,519,536,553,568,583,600,617,632,647,664,681,696,711,728 |
|                                |         | ,745,760,775,792,809,824                                     |
| input_boolean.enabled_PARENTLO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:251         |
| CK_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.enabled_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:264,921     |
| _TEMPLATENUM                   |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.notify_PARENTLOC | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:269         |
| K_TEMPLATENUM                  |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.notify_LOCKNAME_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:282         |
| TEMPLATENUM                    |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.reset_codeslot_P | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:287,300     |
| ARENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM          |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.accesslimit_PARE | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:305         |
| NTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| input_number.accesscount_PAREN | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:323,333     |
| TLOCK_TEMPLATENUM              |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.daterange_PARENT | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:338         |
| LOCK_TEMPLATENUM               |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.daterange_LOCKNA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:351,901     |
| ME_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.start_date_PARE | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:356,367     |
| NTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.start_date_LOCK | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:365,902     |
| NAME_TEMPLATENUM               |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.end_date_PARENT | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:372,383     |
| LOCK_TEMPLATENUM               |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.end_date_LOCKNA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:381,903     |
| ME_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.sun_PARENTLOCK_T | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:387         |
| EMPLATENUM                     |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.sun_LOCKNAME_TEM | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:400         |
| PLATENUM                       |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.sun_inc_PARENTLO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:404         |
| CK_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.sun_inc_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:417         |
| _TEMPLATENUM                   |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.sun_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:421,432     |
| PARENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM         |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.sun_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:430         |
| LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.sun_end_date_PA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:436,447     |
| RENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.sun_end_date_LO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:445         |
| CKNAME_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.mon_PARENTLOCK_T | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:451         |
| EMPLATENUM                     |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.mon_LOCKNAME_TEM | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:464         |
| PLATENUM                       |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.mon_inc_PARENTLO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:468         |
| CK_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.mon_inc_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:481         |
| _TEMPLATENUM                   |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.mon_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:485,496     |
| PARENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM         |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.mon_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:494         |
| LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.mon_end_date_PA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:500,511     |
| RENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.mon_end_date_LO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:509         |
| CKNAME_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.tue_PARENTLOCK_T | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:515         |
| EMPLATENUM                     |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.tue_LOCKNAME_TEM | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:528         |
| PLATENUM                       |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.tue_inc_PARENTLO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:532         |
| CK_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.tue_inc_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:545         |
| _TEMPLATENUM                   |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.tue_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:549,560     |
| PARENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM         |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.tue_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:558         |
| LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.tue_end_date_PA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:564,575     |
| RENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.tue_end_date_LO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:573         |
| CKNAME_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.wed_PARENTLOCK_T | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:579         |
| EMPLATENUM                     |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.wed_LOCKNAME_TEM | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:592         |
| PLATENUM                       |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.wed_inc_PARENTLO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:596         |
| CK_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.wed_inc_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:609         |
| _TEMPLATENUM                   |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.wed_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:613,624     |
| PARENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM         |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.wed_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:622         |
| LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.wed_end_date_PA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:628,639     |
| RENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.wed_end_date_LO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:637         |
| CKNAME_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.thu_PARENTLOCK_T | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:643         |
| EMPLATENUM                     |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.thu_LOCKNAME_TEM | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:656         |
| PLATENUM                       |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.thu_inc_PARENTLO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:660         |
| CK_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.thu_inc_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:673         |
| _TEMPLATENUM                   |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.thu_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:677,688     |
| PARENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM         |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.thu_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:686         |
| LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.thu_end_date_PA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:692,703     |
| RENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.thu_end_date_LO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:701         |
| CKNAME_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.fri_PARENTLOCK_T | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:707         |
| EMPLATENUM                     |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.fri_LOCKNAME_TEM | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:720         |
| PLATENUM                       |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.fri_inc_PARENTLO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:724         |
| CK_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.fri_inc_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:737         |
| _TEMPLATENUM                   |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.fri_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:741,752     |
| PARENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM         |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.fri_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:750         |
| LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.fri_end_date_PA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:756,767     |
| RENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.fri_end_date_LO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:765         |
| CKNAME_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.sat_PARENTLOCK_T | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:771         |
| EMPLATENUM                     |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.sat_LOCKNAME_TEM | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:784         |
| PLATENUM                       |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.sat_inc_PARENTLO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:788         |
| CK_TEMPLATENUM                 |         |                                                              |
| input_boolean.sat_inc_LOCKNAME | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:801         |
| _TEMPLATENUM                   |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.sat_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:805,816     |
| PARENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM         |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.sat_start_date_ | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:814         |
| LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.sat_end_date_PA | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:820,831     |
| RENTLOCK_TEMPLATENUM           |         |                                                              |
| input_datetime.sat_end_date_LO | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:829         |
| CKNAME_TEMPLATENUM             |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_nam | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:841         |
| e_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM         |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_pin | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:842         |
| _LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM          |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_ena | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:843         |
| bled_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM      |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_not | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:844         |
| ify_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM       |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_res | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:845         |
| et_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM        |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_acc | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:846         |
| esslimit_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM  |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_acc | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:847         |
| esscount_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM  |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_dat | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:848         |
| erange_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM    |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_sta | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:849         |
| rt_date_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM   |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_end | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:850         |
| _date_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM     |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_sun | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:851         |
| _LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM          |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_sun | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:852         |
| _inc_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM      |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_sun | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:853         |
| _start_date_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATEN |         |                                                              |
| UM                             |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_sun | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:854         |
| _end_date_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_mon | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:855         |
| _LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM          |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_mon | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:856         |
| _inc_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATENUM      |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_mon | missing | custom_components/keymaster/keymaster_child.yaml:857         |
| _start_date_LOCKNAME_TEMPLATEN |         |                                                              |
| UM                             |         |                                                              |
| automation.copy_PARENTLOCK_mon | missing | 

You can ignore all of the ones that are coming out of custom_components/keymaster. They’re all related to templates.

For all of the ones in packages/keymaster you might consider regenerating your configurations, a few of those look like they should probably exist, though I’m not 100% on if they’re supposed to be created by keymaster or by you.

Ahh, thank you for your response on this.

And I understand on the above, I may have to take some time to do a bit of research. It seems everything is working properly but I may need to look into these a bit deeper. Thank you again for your responses and info Andrew!!

so now that I finally have enough locks in my house to use the child/parent feature. I have the children copying the enabled/disabled and pin from their parent but what about if I have a schedule setup on the parent pin. Is there a way to copy this over to the children? If this has been answered previously and my search skills are terrible I apologize.

If you disable a code on the parent, it should disable on the children as well.

Yeah but what if I need it enabled but I set time/day constraints on the parent. Is there a way to have these values copied from the parent to the child? Even though the code says its enabled in the parent its currently not in sync with the lock, but on the child since its enabled on the parent its therefore enabled on the child and sync’d to the lock. Does that make sense?

Hey folks who are much smarter than me! I have recently moved over to HA. In that process I have started migrating my zwave devices over. I haven’t had much issue until I tried to get keymaster going on one of my schlage locks. I can include the lock and that goes fine. After I add the keymaster integration and select to add 5 pins, evyerthing goes through successfully and the package file is created; however, the entities for the pins all show “unavailable”. I thought maybe this was because I hadn’t associated a pin with KM yet, so I added the packages.yaml data to my dashboard, everything showed up without issue. When I add a name for the code slot and pin, and then click “enabled” the “pin status” changes to “adding”, but it just gets stuck there forever. I’ve excluded the lock removed keymaster, started back from the start, I removed my “door sensor” and replaced it back with “binary.sensor.fake”, I’ve reconfigured keymaster to recreate the packages file and re-copied to my dashboard, all with the same response. Any idea what I should be doing differently? Thank you

hello all,

I am using Zwave Yale Assure locks with the keymaster package installed. Can anyone tell me if there is anyway to track the time/ code that were used for each door unlock? I’m wanting to find a way to get away from geofencing for my on/ off for the security alarm and I would like to start using door unlock events if possible.

My goal is to tie who unlocked the door, to who disabled the alarm automatically (take the door unlocker and automatically apply their credentials for disarming the alarm-- by an automation)

Thank you all for any guidance or thoughts you can provide.

I personally push a log message into the logs using the notification for it.

For instance, I have this as the first action of my scripts:

service: logbook.log
  name: '{{ title }}'
  entity_id: lock.front_door
  message: '{{ message }}'

This makes use of the logger integration to allow you to shove custom log messages into your logs.

You can do other things with the message that you get.

You all are such experts in this stuff. Thank you for the github link. So that script you posted (or is that just a piece of a bigger script?), I can essentially put that code in my scripts file or in an automation, one for each door and it will write those events into the logbook? Can you show me an example of it in use in your system? Does it essentially give the Username that used the door? So in my instance “Weston used his code and opened the door at blah blah time”?

That’s awesome. The only change I need to make to your code post is the “entity_id”? Thank you so much for this @tykeal.

And last question I have would be, would you know of a way to use who opened the door in an automation? For instance to differentiate if it were I or my wife that unlocked the door with our code. (We are using different codes)—> This is really what I am after.

Thank you so much for your help @tykeal, you have already gotten me so much further than I had gotten by myself in a longer amount of time.

KeyMaster emits events you can listen to under keymaster_lock_state_changed

Dev-Tools → Events
Enter keymaster_lock_state_changed into the “Event to subscribe to” and press Start Listening

Then go cycle your lock with your code and such, you’ll get data you can use to trigger off the events.

1 Like

Ok, so I have this taken care of but then how do I use what was actually found? Sorry, I am very new to this and so far have only done very basic automations in home assistant. My next post will show the result of the event you spoke of (I actually had this done already just don’t know how to use what I found out in and Automation as a trigger or condition (I would love to see how to use what I found in either of those))

Here were the results:

Event 2 fired 6:22 PM:
    "event_type": "keymaster_lock_state_changed",
    "data": {
        "notification_source": "event",
        "lockname": "front_door",
        "entity_id": "lock.front_door_lock",
        "state": "unlocked",
        "action_text": "Keypad unlock operation",
        "code_slot": 2,
        "code_slot_name": "Clarice"
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2022-07-18T22:22:52.607831+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "REDACTED???",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

Here’s a start…

- alias: Lock State Changed
  id: keymaster_lock_script
    platform: event
    event_type: keymaster_lock_state_changed

      service: logbook.log
        name: '{{  }}'
        entity_id: '{{ }}'
        message: '{{ }} {{ }} the door.'

Would enter a log entry saying “Clarice unlocked the door.” in your log book under the lock.front_door_lock entity. This should log all your locks under their entities in the logbook.

1 Like

Ahh, I see, thank you so much for showing me how to do this. I think I can build on what you’ve shown me now.

@firstof9, @tykeal Could you all possibly show me how I could use @tykeals notification link to get a message to my phone. It would be nice if message showed the person that unlocked the door as @firstof9 showed me on his automation.

I haven’t got to put @firstof9 automation into my HA instance just yet so I don’t have any additional questions on it at the moment.

My door lock entity is called “front_door_lock”
My door entity which is a contact sensor is called “front_door”

I also have a “back_door” and “garage_entry_door” with similar naming conventions as the front door.

I’m assuming the below is the “action” portion of an automation. What would a full automation look like using the below concept however-----> Could I just use your concept of the trigger being “keymaster_lock_state_changed” and if so, do I need to do anything on either this automation or the previous one that you all have taught me to ensure I only get notifications for the unlock events? (and not the manual lock/ manual unlock and automated lock events)

Thank you all again for what you have already shown me and I’m sorry I’m still not “fully there” just yet.

  mode: parallel
    - service: notify.phones
        title: "{{ title }}"
        message: "{{ message }}"


Ok, I have the @firstof9 automation in my home assistant, and I opened the door, then locked it manually, then used my code on the door lock and the automation ran based on the logbook history but I don’t seem to have an entry indicating whose code was used. Below is a screenshot of my logbook.

The exact code I pasted to my automations was (I didn’t make any modifications to the data area, was I supposed to?):

alias: '#Lock State Changed'
  - platform: event
    event_type: keymaster_lock_state_changed
  - service: logbook.log
      name: '{{  }}'
      entity_id: '{{ }}'
      message: >-
        {{ }} {{ }}
        the door.