KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

Sorry, I am using terminal addon on hassos itself to run

Give the command apk add awk or apk add gawk a try from the terminal addon see what it comes back with.

Mostly just curious since I dont have these locks. Can you factory reset via zwave? I know with schalge there are several options you can do via zwave commands.

Nope it’s a manual process on the lock itself.

Is anyone using the Advanced Options? I had a code set for our house cleaners, that only worked on Wednesday from 9am to 11:30am. However I did a reboot last night and when I go into the lock manager now their code is enabled for everyday. Has anyone else seen this revert back to enabled all the time?

What version of Home Assistant?
There was a bug that was fix for this in 0.111.4


I can make some changes and then reboot again. I did notice it kept the time values I filled out.

ok renabled schedule. Rebooted HA, and when I log back in, the lock is set back to connected and every day is set back to on…

That’s odd, the state should restore. Have you tinkered with your recorder settings by chance?

Just set to MySql, but I don’t have any issues with other settings keeping their status. I have a number of virtual switches, and input fields that hold value through reboot.

  db_url: !secret db_mysql

I found the issue. I’ll update this post with how to fix.

You’ll need to modify the <whatever>_lock_manager_#.yaml and remove initial: on from all the days of the week bools:

    name: 'Sunday'
    initial: on

    name: 'Monday'
    initial: on

    name: 'Tuesday'
    initial: on

    name: 'Wednesday'
    initial: on

    name: 'Thursday'
    initial: on

    name: 'Friday'
    initial: on

    name: 'Saturday'
    initial: on


    name: 'Sunday'

    name: 'Monday'

    name: 'Tuesday'

    name: 'Wednesday'
    name: 'Thursday'

    name: 'Friday'

    name: 'Saturday'

Ahh yes, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for digging into that, I will do that later today.

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So that solves it, but shouldn’t the intial: on be removed from the script that generates the yaml files? I mean the function is unusable if you can’t reboot HA and have things keep working.

the script only generates when you execute so you’re fine for now, but yes, you’d want to modify the file or wait for a PR to fix it in the repo :wink:

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What does that actually do? e.g. you have slot 1 with PIN 1234 and then you change the type to 255 for slot 1, does 1234 (assuming its active) control the deadbolt?

It should disable the code from being able to be used.

So in this case 1234?

ETA: Part of me wishes they would have spent the extra 20 cents per unit and added memory to handle code slots natively. But if they did that, they’d probably try to attempt to force customers to buy into a subscription model. The holy grail of get rich quick schemes.

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Right it wouldn’t work unless it was also in another slot. These are per slot settings.

Do you know if the 6-4 and 4-6 PIN length setting can be changed via code? That could serve as a “delete all codes” function which would work well for what I have in mind.

Kwikset locks do not have a PIN length setting, they just take 4-8 length codes. For Schlege according to @ptdalen the 4-6 and 6-4 change wipes ALL codes.