KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

Please see the wiki.

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you need to add this to your configuration.yaml and restart:
packages: !include_dir_named packages/


So has anyone else had issues with the code slots flooding the zwave network?

I have not, are you using zwave or ozw?

I believe zwave - i’ve originally set up zwave network a few years ago, so using HA i believe that means zwave, even though the log is called OZW_log.txt.

I was able to get proper connectivity. The app showed 3 codes which were configured on the device and i experimented with a 4th. had 6 codes setup total, for future use-cases.

Upon home assistant restart the zwave network would never start. I could see in OZW log that it appeared to start properly, no errors, but then i could see that my door lock node was constantly flooding with resets on 5th and 6th codes. I also saw traffic for the 4 already set, too.

I completely removed lock-manager and all related files, restarted HA and zwave came up properly. I plan to retry and configure lock-manager again from scratch but wanted to check and make sure there wasnt a known issue in something i had done. I posted log snippets a few posts up, not sure if that is any help in debugging, though.

zwave has issues with clearing codes, I want to say this is going to be an automation/script bug.
Likely related to this issue on github.

You can stop the script from freaking out the lock by turning off allow_automations from dev-tools->States

yes, this is what i did originally. though with that off i figured the integration loses its usability. thanks for that info, though, ill follow that isue and see what else i can find

ah, also answered another issue i had in that thread about zwave startup not triggering automation binary :smiley:

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so if allow_automations is disabled, the integration becomes fairly neutered, correct? I suppose it can still be set to notify and manually disable/enable codes?

That is correct, it should only stop the automations that sync the codes.

One last thing, I seem to not be able to get notifications. I created the ‘frontdoor_manual_notification’ script, but it is not getting triggered. I dont really see how notifications are generated, honestly. any help there would be appreciated. Here is what i created:

  alias: frontdoor_manual_notify
  - service: notify.notify
      title: '{{ title }}'
      message: '{{ message }}'
  mode: parallel
  max: 10 

You are missing the script frontdoor_manual_notify which the package is expecting. Wherever you keep your scripts, add the following:

    - condition: template
      value_template: >-
        {% set title_len = title|length %}
        {% set message_len = message|length %}
        {% if (title_len != 0 or message_len != 0) %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
    - service: notify.mikes_devices
        title: "{{title}}"
        message: "{{message}}"

  mode: parallel
    - service: script.manual_notify
        title: "{{ title }}"
        message: "{{ message }}"

As you can see, frontdoor_manual_notify calls manual_notify. Each lock integration expects its own notification script. So you add one for each integration you use, and in turn just have it call the manual script. Notice the notify.mikes_devices call? This is where you call whatever notification service you setup for your system.

As @FutureTense noted you’re missing a script, this is intentionally left out for you to create, we have an example in the wiki that you can use as a framework for a more complex notification.

You’ll need to adjust the notification parameters per the notification system you’re using. Not all use title or message they could be named something else, you’d have to check the integration.

from the Wiki it states this

Missing Sensors

If you are not seeing your User Code , Access Control , Alarm Type , or Alarm Level , please note in ozw they are disabled by default as the preferred method is to use the Home Security sensor. Enabling these sensors does not break anything and allows the automations to accurately process the lock information.

I am missing the sensors it just says to enable them but how? Sorry if its a dumb question its a Schlage connect lock with default zwave integration…

Sure thing.

Click here:

Click your lock:

Then click here:

I don’t see a disabled entity on mine but I’m not using the beta open zwave.

Your alarm_level and alarm_type sensors are right there, did you rename the entities?

Don’t I need the set user code entities for this to work? I tried the lock code manager selecting the alarm type and alarm level in the integration but it doesn’t seem to work.

Are you missing entities or missing the sensors? These are two widely different things.

If you are getting “missing entities” errors: Follow the wiki section
If you are missing alarm_type or alarm_level sensors: This section in the wiki

No I’m not receiving any missing entities errors. The locks Lovelace card looks like it should and has all the entities created by your code. I just thought maybe my lock itself was missing entities but if alarm type and level are all I need that’s probably not my problem. It just says connecting never connects and the user code pin shows as unavailable. I can’t seem to get it to function.