KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

I’m having the same problem. v.2 was working.

Do we know when KeyMaster will support these service calls?

There’s already a PR for them :slight_smile:

Oh I’m so excited. I decided to jump over the RC for the 2021.2 release of HA but I can’t get the JS integration to show up in there for me yet so I can’t play with the service. But having fun with the JS server none the less.

Shows up for me.

Ok apparently my HA didn’t actually update to the 2021.2 its still on 2021.1.5 you got the docker label for 2021.2 handy?


Ah I see I was trying to use the label as my tag the 2021.2.0xxxx ok thank you.

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Is that ready to go? The PR didn’t seem to imply it was

Did you get it to work? I got an AS 150 working.

It’s not ready yet, but we’re ahead of the game :wink:

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So I have an update to my lock being stuck on the “Connecting” issue.
if I go into automations and manually fire them, the locks will connect & sync, along with them setting whatever code I have set in the UI (even if it doesn’t match was was preciously set on the lock either manually or via the openzwave UI)
However, interacting with the UI via lovelace doesn’t fire any automations. I’m running the latest v0.0.9

This sounds like the allow_automations boolean is ‘off’

You were correct it was off.
Toggling it on has an odd effect however. Now when I change something in the lovelace UI it sticks at “Connecting” when manually firing the sync automation it takes and then changes back within a second of the change in the openzwave admin application.

Hey guys. I apologize if this has been answered before, but I have been searching and banging my head against the wall trying to figure it out. Basically, I can’t figure out why the “input_text.frontdoor_status_report” output doesn’t look correct. It always looks like a variation of this:

19;Keypad Unlock;1

I would expect it should be showing something more like: “Keypad Unlock by Cuppojoe”

I’m just getting started with YAML, so the code is a little tricky for me. Still, I assume it was meant to work “out of the box”, in this case. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Long story short: I posted this before upgrading to Keymaster. My bad.

Now, I have a dashboard with an “overview” of select entities. I would like to see in Lovelace an indication of the name of the last person who unlocked the door. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I owe you a beer. Thanks! (FYI, I do not want notifications everytime someone unlocks the door)

I’m looking for the same thing. Where is the reporting function to add like the original?

That’s coming from the lock report, which I says that “1” is from user slot 1. And user slot 1 just happens to be the name Cuppojoe, which is found by using an array lookup function.

I just switched to KeyMaster. Thanks, by the way, this is great.
I’m getting this error:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.condition] Error during template condition: TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int

I’m guessing it is this code, but have not figured it out. This is my guess as I cannot find, but am a noob.

value_template: "{{ > 0 and in (6, 19)}}

Another question if I may. From the instructions, I see this two config varibles:

Those don’t seem to be an option for me and they are stuck on sensor.fake. Is this okay?