Kidde Smart Alarms - Smoke / CO detectors

Thank you 865charlesw for putting this together. Great integration - confirmed working well.

Fantastic integration! If you’ve got the time, I’ve issued a PR that includes adding additional sensors for Kidde smart alarms that support Indoor Air Quality monitoring.

Here’s a sample screenshot from my Lovelace floorplan showing the temperature, overall air quality, and humidity from these sensors:


(The Kidde-configured temperature units are supplied in the Kidde data, so HA will automatically convert them to the user’s preferred units.)

Home Depot as of 2023-11-25 has them at $20.02 each unit. I just picked up four.

Just wanted to second Mike Cattle here – great integration thanks for doing this.

I picked up one of these (w/ Air Quality) yesterday at Home Depot (unfortunately not for $20 as isupfree had observed) and had hoped to be able to integrate with HA so was happy to find this integration. Just did a test and hush from the dashboard, will add this to some alerting automations next.

this is great work! thank you both!

-this may be my lack of understanding of HA, but is there away when adding the entity’s that it uses the detectors name in the entity’s name? I currently have two of the alarms with air quality, but when I go to add them to my dashboard it is hard to find them and differentiate them as they are called sensor.indoor_temperature or sensor.indoor_temperature1. Just gets a bit confusing.

Do we have any information on what smoke level means? I just installed one of these and my smoke level started at 3, then went to 0, and now back to 3. For context there is no smoke at all and from all accounts air quality is good so not sure what this is from exactly or what it means

So I’ve just added this integration and I have the Kidde alarm with air quality. Just doing the basic add it detects my device but I show no air quality sensor at all. Am I missing something?

This is great information here. I do have one question, I am building a new home and I need to install 7 detectors. If they are hardwired and all are connected to each other, do I really need more than 1 of these to be able to receive notifications from any of the detectors? Could I use 1 smart detector and then 6 regular smoke detectors and still get notifications from all the detectors in case of smoke or CO2 detection?

Thanks for putting this together. I just tried to install via HACS and it appears the HACS download information may be incorrect. I received an error on install, and in looking at the log it shows:

<Integration 865charlesw/homeassistant-kidde> Failed to download
4:10:13 PM – (ERROR) HACS (custom integration)
Download failed - Got status code 404 when trying to download
4:10:13 PM – (ERROR) HACS (custom integration)

It looks like the release URL may have changed since the HACS file was created?

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Just installed this and it works perfect!!! Thank you!

I recently installed this integration from HACS and it is working well. I’m very interested in seeing the air quality sensors added so that I can have better logs, automations, and notifications.

Currently my Kidde Alarm glitches and will suddenly show that the temperature is about 10 degrees high and humidity is about 10% low.
I’ve had it over a year and it has done this several times, sometimes lasting weeks before going back to normal levels. I’ve tried power cycling, recalibrating and, factory resetting with inconsistent results. It just happened again this week, so I’ll be contacting Kidde.

I have one Smart detector hard wired together with one non-smart detector, I’ll try testing this theory by triggering the basic detector this week and share my results.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one. Did you ever figure this out?

Ok by doing so variable tweaking in the browser debugger I was able to get this installed:

  1. Set a breakpoint on _installRepository
  2. Change commitOrVersion to version
  3. Keep poking the UI until it works :slight_smile: The UI should pop-up a version selector and you have to check “allow beta”

Thanks for posting this but tbh I have no idea how to do this. Hopefully I can eventually figure it out. :smiley:

Thanks to all those previous for getting this up and running.

I had issues with installing the v0.0.1 release. It would not install since the github release was not correct - it was looking for …/main/ and not …/0.0.1/
So I forked it and made a v0.0.1 release with the zip. It worked.
I also merged the outstanding PRs and made a v0.0.2 release - mostly since one adds the Air Quality Monitor feature.

I will add an issue on the main. In the meantime, if you are having issues, you may want to try adding it into HACS with repo

What are the chances of this becoming localized? Is every request for a device update made to the Kidde api or is the device itself polled?

Did you get a chance to test this? Do you get notification of any of the connected non smart detector goes off?

Also does this integration allow to manually kick off the alarm. Would love to automate this with other door window sensors to make it burglar alarm so when window or doors are opened, it can ring these alarm.

Thanks for the fork!

Im wondering, for those of you who have these detectors, I’ve installed about 5 of them in my house - all of them show warnings for low humidity (in the 20-22% range) and bad TVOC (900-2000 range)

I cant see any reason for this. We live basically next to the ocean in the pacific northwest. Other devices in my house (Nest Thermostat, GW1100 weather station, AeoTec Multisensor 7) all report in the 38-39% humidity range. The Kidde alarms are ceiling mounted, rather than being wall mounted at chest height like the other sensors, but I’m curious if others are seeing these sorts of skews in these values as well, or if its just me? It’s definitely strange that they’re all “mis-reporting” consistently, rather than just one of them being off.