July 9, 2021, 12:07pm
Do not use speed_count
and speeds. Use percentage based speeds.
1 Like
July 9, 2021, 2:19pm
As expected, you’re a genius! That worked!
Now I just need to figure out why when I tell Alexa to set it to ‘breeze’ it starts asking me about my Ecobee thermostat.
July 30, 2021, 12:48am
I ended up using Node red and seting the fan to 1% on Alexa activates breeze mode. It relies on zigbee2mqtt and a node red Alexa skill though.
Zigbee2mqtt has a pending PR that should fix this template and have all 4 speeds and breeze mode working on the next release for this fan too.
I posted the Node red flow here Unable to get Home Decorator / Hampton Bay Zigbee fan to pair - #18 by mwav3
@flyize sorry for the dumb question but I just made the move to HA and after moving over my KoF’s I also noticed the high fan speed was missing. How do I setup the template and the script for the fan? I currently have 5 KoF’s so I assume I need to do this for each fan?
September 7, 2021, 1:08pm
I don’t know about zha, but in zigbee2mqtt you can control all 4 speeds and smart mode of the fan directly through Home Assistant now. This fan and getting full control was one of the reasons I opted for zigbee2mqtt over zha:
The PR was done recently in zigbee2mqtt to fix this - https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/pull/7359
There are still some minor warnings in Home Assistant though for templating issues - I filed an issue with zigbee2mqtt to hopefully fix it. If not, you can do an MQTT template yourself to clear all the errors. More info on that here - https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/8617
September 7, 2021, 5:12pm
Welcome! I’d just move this project down your list for right now. While you get up to speed, its going to be like trying to drink from a firehose. Templates took me quite a while to wrap my head around. Hopefully you’ll pick it up quicker. Either way, the docs are here:
@mwav3 thanks for the info but unfortunately my zigbee dongle is not support so that isn’t an option for me.
Thanks @flyize . Sadly I’m not very good with this stuff so its a bit challenging at the moment. Where I’m stuck is where to put the code you have posted above? I assume they need to be pasted into one of the *.yaml files. I’ve tried pasting the code in a couple different yaml files (scripts.yaml, configuration.yaml) and changed the values to match my device but either I put in the wrong place or changed the wrong value or missed something else.
I was able to get this working somewhat. The problem i’m facing is with the fan speed slider. It doesn’t seem to do anything. Looks like this may be the problem as the results are unknown in the template editor. Any ideas on what needs to be changed?
` percentage_template: "{{ states('input_number.office_fan_percentage') }}" `
` preset_mode_template: "{{ states('input_select.office_fan_preset_mode') }}" `
September 8, 2021, 3:04pm
Configuration > Helpers
Add some new input_numbers.
October 21, 2021, 7:13pm
Are the low, medium, high options totally gone now? Alexa doesn’t seem to know what I’m asking anymore.
(I seem to recall there was a PR for this somewhere …)
October 21, 2021, 9:00pm
Yes, they were removed in the September release. Look on breaking changes under mqtt
Adding home battery and gas support to the Energy dashboard and show data for different time periods, more long-term statistics, USB discovery, and more advanced templating features
← jbouwh:mqtt-fan-remove-speeds
opened 04:06PM - 17 Aug 21 UTC
You are amazing! Thanks for contributing to our project!
Please, DO N… OT DELETE ANY TEXT from this template! (unless instructed).
## Breaking change
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to tell them what breaks, how to make it work again and why we did this.
This piece of text is published with the release notes, so it helps if you
write it towards our users, not us.
Note: Remove this section if this PR is NOT a breaking change.
MQTT fan no longer supports Support for legacy speeds (OFF, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH).
With release 2021.3 the support for legacy speeds was announced to be removed after a quater (2021.7).
With removing the legacy speeds support, integrations that rely on MQTT fan platform that still use legacy speeds would break because they can not be setup if deprecated attributes are used. This includes the MQTT auto discovery.
To prevent that these integration will fail to setup, the deprecated attributes listed here are still allowed in the config:
`payload_high_speed`, `payload_low_speed`, `payload_medium_speed`, `speed_command_topic`, `speeds`, `speed_state_topic`, `speed_value_template`
## Proposed change
Describe the big picture of your changes here to communicate to the
maintainers why we should accept this pull request. If it fixes a bug
or resolves a feature request, be sure to link to that issue in the
additional information section.
Remove the deprecated support for legacy speeds for the MQTT Fan platform from 2012.9.0.
We silently ignore incorrectly configured devices only telling the settings deprecated and are to be removed from the config.
To regain support for speeds users nee to implement percentage based speeds or preset modes.
## Type of change
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- [ ] New integration (thank you!)
- [ ] New feature (which adds functionality to an existing integration)
- [x] Breaking change (fix/feature causing existing functionality to break)
- [x] Code quality improvements to existing code or addition of tests
## Additional information
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- [x] The code has been formatted using Black (`black --fast homeassistant tests`)
- [x] Tests have been added to verify that the new code works.
If user exposed functionality or configuration variables are added/changed:
- [ ] Documentation added/updated for [www.home-assistant.io][docs-repository]
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- [ ] The [manifest file][manifest-docs] has all fields filled out correctly.
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- [ ] New or updated dependencies have been added to `requirements_all.txt`.
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- [ ] Untested files have been added to `.coveragerc`.
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Thank you for contributing <3
Below, some useful links you could explore:
[dev-checklist]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/development_checklist.html
[manifest-docs]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/creating_integration_manifest.html
[quality-scale]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/next/integration_quality_scale_index.html
[docs-repository]: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io
1 Like
October 22, 2021, 1:05pm
That says for MQTT though. I’m not using MQTT.
October 22, 2021, 1:22pm
Looks like this PR took it away from everything else for the rest of the fan platform beyond just MQTT
← jbouwh:alexa-remove-fan-legacy-speed
opened 07:05PM - 24 Aug 21 UTC
You should be able to setup Three Alexa routines to control the fan, so when you say “Alexa, set bedroom fan to low” - Alexa will recognize that command and translate it to turning the fan on at 33%. Then you do one for medium at 66, high at 100, etc. This is the way I used to do it for an old fan I had so you don’t have to say - “Alexa set fan to 33%”.
1 Like
October 22, 2021, 1:34pm
Oh, that’s not a bad idea. Thanks!
I also noticed that presets for my fan template , like breeze, aren’t working via Alexa. Any ideas on that one?
October 22, 2021, 1:40pm
Maybe you can create an “input boolean” called “smart mode” or something like that, and an automation that activates the breeze mode when the boolean is turned on, and switches back to “normal mode” when the boolean is turned off.
Then you can do an Alexa routine that says “Alexa, set bedroom fan to breeze” that will turn that boolean on.
I’m not 100% sure though if you create an input boolean (which is basically a “virtual switch”) if that would feed through from Home Assistant to Alexa directly. I use a Node Red palette to create Alexa devices which gives me a bit more control on how the things come over into Alexa then Haaska or Nabu Casa does, so if it doesn’t come in, you should be able to give that a try.
Also, if the boolean doesn’t come over, creating a “template switch” might work too
October 22, 2021, 1:44pm
It’s actually something wrong in my template, because presets (like ‘smart’ or ‘on’) work with the default template. I just don’t know what it is.
October 22, 2021, 7:12pm
Try adding a float to the percentage template, and setting a speed count to 4
- platform: template
friendly_name: "ZHA Fan"
unique_id: "jdfskl435475"
value_template: "{{ states('fan.bedroomzha') }}"
percentage_template: "{{ states('input_number.bedroomzha_percentage') | float }}"
preset_mode_template: "{{ states('input_select.bedroomzha_preset_mode') }}"
service: fan.turn_on
entity_id: fan.bedroomzha
- service: fan.turn_off
entity_id: fan.bedroomzha
- service: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.bedroomzha_percentage
value: 0
service: script.zha_fan_set_percentage
percentage: "{{ percentage }}"
speed_count: 4
service: script.zha_fan_set_preset_mode
preset_mode: "{{ preset_mode }}"
- 'max'
- 'breeze'
October 22, 2021, 7:24pm
I’ll try it. Thanks.
I also created a thread to request the quirk be officially fixed here:
opened 07:24PM - 22 Oct 21 UTC
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
This quirk could use an update to fully match the new fan...
October 25, 2021, 2:43pm
That didn’t seem to help. @jbouwh any way you might be able to shed some light on how to ‘breeze’ to work for this template?
October 25, 2021, 3:29pm
There is a resolved issue with Alexa where the percentage_step is not an integer.
← jbouwh:alexa-speed_step-precision-issue
opened 08:45PM - 19 Oct 21 UTC
Further the use of templates for fans is not yet supported yet, but that will be resolved too.
← jbouwh:template-fan-preset_mode-capability
opened 09:32PM - 19 Oct 21 UTC
You could use a MQTT fan to test if presets work.
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