Known Devices: Local Picture?

I had the same problem with pictures showing up. The documentation says to use picture: /local/picture_name.jpg in the known_devices.yaml but I could never get that to work.

The way it works for me is to use the customize area in the configuration.yaml NOT the known_devices.yaml and “entity_picture: /local/picture_name.jpg”. Maybe a documentation change is necessary to prevent more people from getting confused.

You have to restart HA after the www dir is created. I have no problem setting the image inside known_devices.yaml to /local/myimage.png

It seems there’s a few bugs with the known_devices.yaml. I (out of habit) always restart HA after every change. This does not solve the issue, as others have commented on above. I also noticed that the known_devices.yaml file duplicates a lot of device entries over (I am using the netgear platform for device discovery). So for some reason, it’s not properly reading entries, hence the need for doing it as I indicated above in the customize section with entity_picture

Worked for me, am using AOI installer. Using this to display a plot image on a custom panel. Creating the www then /local/myImage.png + HA restart did the trick.

I appreciate it if you can share your config and html file for custom_panel.
Thanks a lot

I’m using hassbian on my raspberrypi2.
I found the python init script (looking for config, mapping of the /local path to ./www) in /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.4/site-packages/homeassistant/components/frontend/

the www directory path you should create is /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www
Just somehow it is expecting the 1 under the hidden directory (same level as your configuration.yaml file) instead of the 1 relative to our home directory.

su homeassistant
mkdir /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www
echo hello > /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www/index.html
sudo systemctl restart [email protected]

Now, you can access the index.html file via: http://raspberrypi:8123/local/index.html

I’m using the All-in-One installer and this works for me:

Inside of /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www/ I have a file mbp.png. By default the www directory does not exist, however, you can simply create it with mkdir www from within the /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/ directory after executing sudo su homeassistant if connected via ssh as the pi user.

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I also found this to be the only working solution after multiple attempts with known_devices.yaml and HA restarts.

Thanks a bunch!!!

Anyone any idea what the path is on my Synology docker installation? I tried to create a www directory in the homeassistant directory but that apears not to be the right path?

Assuming that you used the official home assistant docker image the path should be whichever folder on your Synology that you have set as /config in the docker gui

So if you have synology set up like this…

 /volume1/your/folder : /config

The correct path should be…


Then images can be saved in this folder…


Edit: but in homeassistant configuration you would use…

  entity_picture: /local/name_of_image.png

You probably need to restart hass too.

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Hey JimBob,

Thank you for your quick answer, I installed Home Assistant in the following way:

sudo docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd -v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 homeassistant/home-assistant

So the installation directory is “/volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/”

So I created the www map as follows “/volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/www” and put the jpg inside it, but this is not working, what am I doing wrong? I tried a png and a jpg file neighter one of them are showing up.

Thanks for responding,


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You’re missing the final “config” folder in your path, so you’ll have to create the folder at /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config/www

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Thank you for your answer,

You were right :blush:

Kind regards,


I think I’ve done everything right but I dont get the picture - only white color.

What might be wrong - can the file be too large or what?

Finally got it working by creating www directory under /config.
Mine installation is all in one installation (Hassbian). It does not has directory homeassistant/.homeassistant !!
Also it does not recognize Sudo command. Only can use hassio command.

Anyone can let me know if I need to run sudo command to do other installations !!


Thanks Kclau, I followed your advice and now it worked. Just create the www under config.