KNX - Force Group Address Reading

Hi, I’m using a Siemens energy meter (7KT1 900) for reading power\energy consumption and production (I’ve a PV system installed on my house).

To identify load information (consumption\production, inductive \ capacitive load) I need to read a specific object. This object isn’t sent to the bus like for power metering object (ex. on specific time interval or on specific power variations)

I need to force the reading of this object from home assistant when I receive a power meter reading (group address). This is necessary to identify if power is on consumption or production

I’ve found on home assistant a service to write KNX group address but not to force reading of specific group address.
Can you help me to identify a way (python script ?) to read a specific group address ?

from here KNX Group-Read feature of xKNX i found this:

Maybe you can update it, add it to xknx and file a PR to get it added to the official home-assistant knx integration