KNX problem after upgrade to 0.115

i notice switches work as expected, but i have some switches that send a brightness value during the night instead of just a light.toggle.
When setting brightness i noticed that indeed the status is not read anymore. After turning them on i can not turn them off again.
Switches using just light.toggle still seem to work.

Hi everybody…
I think i’ve a similar issue.

I just update to version 118, and everything works.

My issue is about the switches update during the HA startup.
In the startup HA ask the KNX bus the different state addresses.
I can see thet the bus answer the question.
It update correctly all the lights and the sensors, but it doesn’t udpate the switches status.

After the startup, in the normal behaviour, it works correctly, update status and so on.

I tried also to configure the swithces as light (same addresses, different configuration), and in this case the “switch” object (light.example-switch) work as expected.

Does someone have the same behaviour?

My KNX wall switches all over the house (Jung push buttons) are not responding sometimes in .118.
Non-working buttons in the house is really lowering the WAF here.
Hope you guys can locate the bugs as soon as possible :slight_smile:

I also have issues with KNX in the latest release(s). Very often states do not seem to get updated back from the bus.

All KNX-switches in HA reset to off after reboot

Same here. After HA reboot the HA-switches are all set to “off”. During startup I monitor the group addresses in ETS and see that KNX is responding correctly with “on”.

My setup:

  • I use MDT glass push buttons with 2 senarios
    – LED shows on/off status
    – Button switches turn something on/off
  • Home Assistant is setup with KNX switches, proper “address” and “state_address”
  • Everything works smoothly besides the fact that all buttons (btw. all KNX lights as well) are set to “off” after a reboot.

Any ideas?

It’s fixed by
with update to 0.119 (Beta if you like)

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After update to 1.0.0b0 (beta), everything seems to work fine.