KODI - Content Type - Movie vs Tv Show - Library

ok - still not happy loading mediachecker.sh when hass starts - have it under /usr/bin/mediachecker.sh at this time.,

did sudo chmod +x on it and sudo chmod 777 jic - no go.

Okay, so let me break down the command for you, so you can try to troubleshoot it on your end:

# The -s makes curl run in silent mode. It wont output any headers or 
# connection information
curl -s 

# The -H tells curl that the next argument will be the header to send to the remote 
# server.  In this case, we are using json, so we send that as our header.
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 

# The -d option denotes the message payload. In our case, we are sending raw 
# json data.
# Kodi will interpret this to basically mean "Tell me what is playing on playerid #1."
-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetItem", "params": { "playerid": 1}, "id": "VideoGetItem"}'

# Here we just give the remote address of the RPC server
 http://<<<Kodi IP>>>:8080/jsonrpc 

# In a linux shell command, a pipe character "|" means "take the output of the 
# command on the left, and redirect it to be the input for the command on the right".  

# Grep is a command line version of ctrl-f. We are using it to search the output 
# of curl for a specific string.

# Greps -o switch means "only output the thing that matches"  so in this case, 
# if the word "movie" appears in curl's output, it will display it on the screen. If 
# the word does not appear, the command will not display anything.
-o movie

Will the script run on it’s own from the command line?

$ /usr/bin/mediachecker.sh

no - no output at all when I run the script on it’s own. just blank…

take that back…while watching movie - it said movie

watching tv or nothing playing results in no output.

If you remove the -s from the curl command and also the pipe to grep, it will display the full output of curl. This is less useful as a sensor, but should let you know what it’s actually doing.

yup - returns same as running curl command by hand - so looking good…can’t figure out why HASS is so pi$$ed off.

17-01-18 20:05:40 homeassistant.components.sensor.command_line: Command failed: /usr/bin/mediachecker.sh

ok - so retarted HASS and its no longer complaining. and movie showed yeah!

but had movie playing in kodi when I did that…will see what playing tv looks like…maybe error is only when not movie? will report…

yup - when movie NOT playing HASS log gets torqued quickly. plus sensor has not changed at this time from movieplaying to anything else.

It’s almost like we need to add in “unknown” when KODI is not playing and “episode” when tv is playing and key off that in the automation/scripting under HASS.


I just set up the sensor on my machine to test. You aren’t crazy, I noticed the same behavior. Teach me to offer untested code.

First thing I noticed is a mismatched case issue. The sensor is looking for “Movie” but it will never find that. “movie” is the correct ‘on’ state.

I tried skipping the script entirely, and just using the curl command as the sensor, and that failed as well. Not sure if it’s the null string that it’s stumbling on, or something else. Testing further.

roger - glad to hear I’m not losing it - LOL!

I’ll sit tight to see what you come up with - like I said, we need payload off to be unknown or episode and payload on to be movie I think. Not sure how to handle that in HASS under a sensor.

ok - from a previous example I used for “ping action” thread I started - thanks @PtP

#! /bin/bash

ping -w 5 > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo “Success”
echo “Fail”

we need to echo back the type (movie/episode/unknown) - can a sensor handle an ‘or’ statment for payload?

Ok, give this a shot -

#! /bin/bash

curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetItem", "params": { "playerid": 1}, "id": "VideoGetItem"}' http://<<<IP ADDRESS OF KODI>>>/jsonrpc | if [[ $(grep -o movie) ]]; then echo "ON"; else echo "OFF"; fi

This will output the default ON and OFF based on if a movie is playing or not. That should make HASS happy.

ok - made that change in the script and
then changed sensor to ON and OFF for each payload.

restarted HASS didn;t come back…don’t know why - rebooting…brb

MUCH happier now!

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Working for you, then?


Yes sir! Re-working automation as we speak! @Zen - a HUGE thanks! I’m a Windows admin by trade so I struggle a bit with the linux part of HASS - but you were great! Thanks for hanging right in there with me!

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Just so everyone has the solution -

bash script:
#! /bin/bash

curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.GetItem", "params": { "playerid": 1}, "id": "VideoGetItem"}' http://<<<IP ADDRESS OF KODI>>>/jsonrpc | if [[ $(grep -o movie) ]]; then echo "ON"; else echo "OFF"; fi

- platform: command_line
scan_interval: 10
name: Movie_Time
command: “/usr/bin/mediachecker.sh”
payload_on: “ON”
payload_off: “OFF”

- alias: “KODI Movie Stopped”
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.movie_time
from: ‘ON’
- condition: state
entity_id: sun.sun
state: below_horizon
service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.Kodi_Stopped

- alias: "KODI Movie Playing"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.movie_time
      to: 'ON' 
    - condition: state
      entity_id: sun.sun
      state: below_horizon
      service: scene.turn_on
      entity_id: scene.Kodi_Playing

- name: Kodi_Playing
state: on
brightness: 25
switch.ge_unknown_type5052_id3031_switch_2_0: off

 - name: Kodi_Stopped
      state: on
      brightness: 255
     switch.ge_unknown_type5052_id3031_switch_2_0: on 



@Zen - you know - I was doing some reading today…wonder if we could have used this instead of the sensor?

Such that when Kodi is playing, making the same curl call - but would it come back with something? Just thinking outloud - everything is working (THANKS!) - but was just kind of curious.

@vexter0944 - This was just added in the most recent update last week (0.36), so I haven’t had a chance to dig in much yet. From what I can tell, it looks like we could make the request with this function, but I don’t think we would get the output back out.

I’m sure there are probably quite a few ways to get that information out of Kodi. In the end, use what works best for you. I come from a linux background and tend to prefer console-based scripted languages (bash, perl, python). That is how I think, so that is how I build things. You mentioned being a Windows Admin, so maybe you have similar feelings about C#, ASP, Powershell, or whatever you crazy Windows kids are up to these days :slight_smile:.

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