Kodi don't show Cover CD

I have the problem with Kodi when i play music from local files.
Kodi don’t show the picture from the CD. See screenshot.
Also, what is playing, name of number is not showing

I have in every folder a picture from the CD cover, and i would like to see this.
Is there extra code i must use to show the cover? I think not.

I have also used plex, and plex shows the cover picture.

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Hi there!

Same problem here but with video tracks.

I remember once I had also that as a thumbnail when playing…

I’d start by taking a look at Kodi’s API - see if they offer an image as part of their status info. HA won’t be able to display it if it’s not available in the API.

Hi there and thanks for your input!

Yes, Kodi API offers also an image and I also saw it because it was working correctly in Home Assistant before (a month ago, more or less).

I do believe we are facing this issue:

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yes, it looks like that that is the problem.
I hope it will fix in the next version of home assistant