Kostal Piko 10 BA - Custom Sensor


ok, it will definitely not work with xyz, because it is not a valid address. The system puts it there as an example value.

Please take the address of your inverters built-in website. It should look something like Make sure that it starts with http://.
use the username and password you use for logging in to the inverters website.

Finally, would you mind sharing your firmware and UI version? I have it tested on a Piko 8 BA and there might be differences in the interfaces.
This may explain why it is not working, if everything else (ip address, username, password) is correct.


I put exactly these information:

But same error message.

I use a Piko 5.5


Alright, the data you’ve put in looks good. Must be an issue with either firmware versions or with the integration itself.

Any chance you can provide the log? If so, please create a new issue on GitHub if possible.
Here is the link: Issues · scheidtdav/homeassistant-kostal-piko · GitHub

If possible, could you attach the version info to the issue? For me it looks like this:

It is possible that your Piko 5.5. uses a different type of api, in ehich case a connection won’t be possible.


Hi, as a newbie I was a bit lost, but thanks now, after you updated the readme I finally got how this works with the installation via HACS.
I first I also got the error host not found. But now adding the host as you descibed as http://
 and important without a / in the end it works fine. Thanks. :slight_smile:

And btw. I would say the user + Password would be theoretically optional, as the rest api does not require them to access all parameters :wink:

Hi @Nacken,

glad its working for you! I will pick up your feedback for future revisions.
I wasn’t aware you could actually grab all the information without being logged in. Kind of a suprising design choice

Would you mind sharing your firmware version and model number, so I can add it to the list of tested inverters on the README? Highly appreciated :slight_smile:



I’m not sure if this could be considered a disign choice or just bad coding :smiley:
I have a Piko 5.5.
My previous one had Firmware 05.50 and my new replacement one has 05.61
Both Versions worked fine.

Haha true :sweat_smile: I probably will still make it available without login in a future version, I think.
Thanks for sharing your FW and make!

Thanks for this great integration!!! I was looking for this for ages for now. Finally my Piko 15 works and can be monitored! Thank you so much!

If it’s of any value for you, I do run a PIKO 15 with UI 06.53, FW 06.17, HW 0210, PAR 03.50.

The sensors are all accurate and show the same values as my KSEM Smart Meter shows. One smart hint I read in this thread is, that one needs to add the “http://” in front of the IP. I went wrong the first time and left it out and couldn’t connect. Perhaps you may want to modify this, so one only has to enter the IP.

Anyways, great work. Thanks so much.

Glad its working for you!
Thanks for sharing your FW versions, its good for documentation and compatibility purposes.

I do want to improve the connection process in a future version. Its very silly right now, sorry for the confusion.

Hey @scheidtdav , I saw you were working on official core integration? Is that one implemented? Cause I also see you have a HACS version?

Hi @pergola.fabio ,

Yes I was working on an official integration and even got a couple of reviews on it. However it didn’t seem quite ready yet, so I decided to continue with a HACS version and polish it a bit first.

At this point the HACS version should work fine (except for the known bugs; see this thread and github issues) for all the inverters/firmware documented in the repo.
If you happen to have time to test it or even contribute, I am open for feedback!

Hope that helps, cheers!

perfect, once all installed, i will test the Hacs edition :slight_smile:

Doesn’ anyone have a defect Kostal NG ? I’m looking for the mounting bracket only :+)