Kronoterm heat pump integration

That would be great! HA has MODBUS integration so if it could be reached via TCP/IP that would be wonderful - no extra hardware required. I was thinking how to get RS485 MODBUS to TCP/IP - here is one that maps RS485 to TCP/IP. Probably could also be done with ESP or similar. Perhaps another thing to look into.

these two very small devices in pair work with esphome in home assistant
it would be the perfect solution to control the kronoterm in rs485, but it would take someone able to get their hands on the code

While Iā€™m thinking of a purely local solution (MODBUS) I implemented some basic control in these two projects:


Python API client for
Install: pypi


Local relay between and local network.
Install: clone the repo and follow

It is run locally (on RPi, ā€¦) and exposes REST API to the local network., as the back-end for relay, could easily be replaced with MODBUS implementation. Right now the simplest solution (but not the cheapest) Iā€™m thinking of is HA-RESTful ā†” LAN ā†” REST-API ā†” RPi ā†” RS485USB.

kronoterm-cloud-relay configuration

  1. Install and run as described in project README. You can use your personal PC, RPi, NUC,ā€¦ to run it on.
  2. Add RESTful and template sensors to home assistant. Help available here

and for home assistant ?

There is a section with home assistant help in the kronoterm_cloud_relay README file.

Here is direct link to home assistant help file.

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oh yes very nice!
but Kronoterm cloud relay but Kronoterm cloud relay i have to install it on a small debian server?
isnā€™t there a direct module for home assistant?

@wifi75 Iā€™m running on an old RPi rev2, so no problems here.

There is no ā€˜integrationā€™ for HA and is also not planned. HA configuration needs to be done manually as per README.txt.

I did update the installation docs on github, so I hope this helps!

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thanks Leskolam for your work!

I have a second RPI with CASAOS sw installed do you think it is possible to install ā€œkronoterm cloud relayā€?

thanks Danilo

If itā€™s running linux, it should be possible.

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We were trying to get the kronoterm-cloud-relay running at @wifi75 location and were unsuccessful. If someone is having problems or did manage to get it to work please comment with some inputs.

It looks like the problem is with the API or how works. So I would need to see API calls from and to the servers (F12 ā†’ network tab). The problem is I only have one heat pump in one location so canā€™t check my code against other HW.

Here is the GitHub issue with some data.

Just wanted to updated that we managed to make it work with @wifi75 at his location. The problem was how username and password was read from .env file.

I updated the documentation and made new version.

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Works perfect with Kronoterm WPG-10-K2 HT. Thanks!

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Iā€™ve been using their API for years now, but only to get the data. Never tried anything else, as I never had a need. Maybe somebody else finds it useful.

Method: GET
Authentication: Basic

If you login to with your existing credentials and use the above url in the browser it should already work.

Iā€™m using Node-Red flow to fetch the data and feed it to Home Assistant. Nothing fancy.
Hereā€™s the node-red flow:

Edit: Tried to do the changes as well. It works.


Method: POST
Authorization: Basic
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


param_value=0 <----- this turns it on (1) or off (0)

So I guess you can do whatever their site allows you to do.

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