Kronoterm heat pump integration

Leon, please, what I’m doing wrong?

Hey wifi75,

Are you using input_number helper?

In the data pull from the Kronoterm Cloud, this is how you can set it up.

Use the Set Payload so that the String is actualy converted into a Number.


Then in the Action Node, use the Input_number.set_value as the action, select the Entity you wish to update and for Data use {“value”:“{{payload}}”} and select {}JSON from the Data dropdown.

If it doesn’t work, try putting a debug at the end and see what error message you get.

Hope this helps.

@iLLiac4 Can you reshare the file? The kronoterm support didn’t provide me with the document, they redirected me to the local company, which of course only install the appliance and have no further knowledge about Modbus…

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Documents are now attached to Kronoterm HP modbus documentation · Issue #2 · kosl/kronoterm2mqtt · GitHub


@kosl thank you for your work and help! I’m trying to run your kronoterm2mqtt integration, but unfortunately I’m struggling with the installation on my HA. I’m running HomassistantOS on a VM-Proxmox. When I’m trying to install the kronoterm2mqtt it seems, that there is no Python installed. Can anybody help?

@kosl thank you very much!

Hello Roman, could you find a solution?
I’m also trying to get a connection with the modbus tcp.
The kronoterm2mqtt is trying to connect with the usb-port.
I’m not able to change it to Modbus TCP.
Any idea?

Install Home Assistant Supervised instead of HA OS if you want both on the same VM. You can also have kronoterm2mqtt running outside HA OS in a separate VM or host connecting to HA Mosquito over MQTT.

I’m running the kronoterm2mqtt already on VM with Debian.
I have a OK Test to the MQTT
And also a Connection to the ModbusTCP Module and the Heatpump.
(I have 2 flashing lights during the test)

But the print values are strange:

Why is he still “Connect to /dev/ttyUSB0”
Any idea?

I tested it with your Script, with some adaptions:

This is the output:

There is a strange temperature. 205,6°C

I have also changed the address form 2100 to 2101 with the same result.

And this is, what I get when I test the connection with QModMaster

Thank you for your help!

If you are running Modbus WiFi interface such as @RomanHA then it is important to setup serial connection therein correctly. Old Kronoterm pump have 19200 baud rate, while newer have 115200.
I would firstly confirm test operation with Modbus/USB dongle before proceeding to Modbus/TCP interface.

The printout /dev/ttyUSB0 follows the settings, while you hardcoded the client to Modbus/TCP instead?

I just checked the connection again with Openmodscan, only with the Baud rate of 19200 I get a connection to the Modbus:
This are the settings of my TCP converter:

I get the feeling that my pcb-board of the heatpumpt is damaged.

I don’t know how to set in ./ edit-settings (or anywhere else)
client to Modbus/TCP instead of port /dev/ttyUSB0

 The "definitions_name" is the prefix of "chronoterm2mqtt/definitions/*.toml" files!
definitions_name = "chronoterm_ksm"
device_name = "Heat Pump"
model = "ADAPT"
port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"

You have to change ModbusSerialClient in kronoterm2mqtt/kronoterm2mqtt/ at 27c19d9e38db26d7aebad398f303614809123117 · kosl/kronoterm2mqtt · GitHub to ModbusTcpClient(‘MyDevice.lan’)

@kosl, thanks for the helpful information, it works like a charm.

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Could you share the yaml?

I made a kronoterm integration that gets the HP data from the api if anyone’s interested GitHub - Favio25/Kronoterm-homeassistant


Thank you for the excellent work. In the next releases, will it also be possible to adjust the temperature of domestic hot water, heating, etc., etc.?

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Hi, I’m glad I found this. I would also like to integrate my heat pump into HA.

First, I want to make sure I understand the wiring. I don’t want to fry my circuit board. I can’t exactly see all the wires on this photo WPG-10-K2_HT-raspberry-pi.jpg at the bottom right.
@kosl Is this the correct wiring between TEX port and RS485 dongle? And the little black box being a 12V DC power supply?
rs485 TEX wiring

Thanks for your help!

The wiring looks fine.

Here is a list of materials used in this project:

TP-Link TL-SG105 5-port gigabit network switch
Amazon Link

Waveshare Industrial USB to RS485 Converter
Amazon Link

Heemol 12V to USB, 12V to 5V USB Adapter
Amazon Link

LANMU USB to DC plug
Amazon Link

Yes, it has been added.