I have got myself into a problem trying to use a for loop and a variable(i) in an id(text_variable).state
Just want to add a variable on the end eg:
// uint16_t cell_voltage_test = id(cell_voltage_i).state * 1000; // Want something like this note i variable
Have tried using a string but it doesn’t compile.
Error: Lambda contains reference to entity-id-style ID ‘cv.c_str’. The id() wrapper only works for ESPHome-internal types. For importing states from Home Assistant use the ‘homeassistant’ sensor platforms.
Anyone got any ideas how to solve?
for (int i = 16; i > 0; i--) {
std::string cv = "cell_voltage_" + std::to_string(i);
// uint16_t cell_voltage_test = id(cell_voltage_i).state * 1000; // Want something like this note i
uint16_t cell_voltage_test = id(cv.cstr()).state * 1000;
ESP_LOGI("main", "cell voltage_%i: %X", i, cell_voltage_test);
So what I think you are trying to do is loop through a bunch of sensors named “cell_voltage_1” through 16?
Your problem will be that ESPHome converts the id references to internal pointers at compile time - I don’t believe it does it at run-time like your code assumes. Thus it can’t find a matching id to convert when it compiles the code.
Not really. Depends what you are trying to achieve… Can you perform the actions you require using sensor filters? There’s a bunch of different things you can do there.
I’m deep in mid Lambda(300 lines in), after this the uint16_t cell_voltage_test is inserted it into a vector and then whole vector is transmitted via uart.
You’ll anyway have to expose a fixed list of available sensors in your code.
To dynamically access one of the sensors based on an ID of your choice, can have a look at this solution (the lambda part). In this example it’s using a numeric number as key and a LightState pointer as value.
In your case I have no idea what class this “cell_voltage_1” component is. You’ll need to post some more yaml for that.
I don’t think that helps as I don’t know how many available sensors(cell_voltage_1 to 24) until run time.
It is defined by what is connected via serial data.
Thinking I may have to do it the hard way, load all 24 into the vector with duplicated code for each one, and then remove the not required ones from the vector.