Late notifications to Locked Samsung

S23 Ultra, I’ve searched the Internet and it appears an issue for years with various Samsung phone models, also various apps I think. Maybe other Androids.

Notifications only come pouring in and sound, after doing a biometric fingerprint unlock. If phone is opened, they come in normally and fast.

Specifically, Home Assistant notifications.
Example; If a door opens, send my phone a notification.

“Seems” to be only related to Samsung in my recent searches.

Anyone have input on this issue?

I have every battery, sleep, run in background settings set.

I checked dontkillmyapp settings and will recheck.

I did the ttl and priority and that helps some if I write my own sensors helper group etc.

With a blueprint I imported is where the issue seems worst.

I’ll counter post in the Samsung forum as well.

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Hi @G2740

I find this comes through straight away on my S24;

service: notify.mobile_geoff
    ttl: 0
    tag: some tag 
    channel: some channel
    priority: high
  message: Your message
  title: Your title

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Thank you, I’m willing to try anything at the moment.

I’m no Yaml expert by a long shot and have tried though and failed, read the docs too. It goes in fine and stays in the blueprint, but still delays once phone locks.

I have mine instant lock via side button, the delays are only 10 minutes or 30.?

Maybe I’ll try pins instead of biometrics and see what happens. Frustrating.

I can’t unsecure my phone for one app notification.

you need to follow these docs feel free to share the YAML if its not working

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I appreciate the offer, it’s another persons Blueprint and about 1200 lines long. May be bugs in the Blueprint or HA related to Blueprints? Either way, not placing any blame.

This one. 📍 State Notifications & Actions

I’m a greenhorn with YAML and HA and fiddling with the Blueprint to learn something.

A group helper with all Aqara entry sensors in that group. Problem, group helpers don’t recognize a 2nd sensor opened if one is already opened. Ai said a template would help, but I didn’t get how to add a template.

I did read that documentation previously and added the ttl and priority info. If I take over the Blueprint, I’ll probably just break it, but could import again. Guess I’ll just dive in.

I’m really just fiddling with the Blueprint to learn some YAML, lol.

The alerts also seem to work in Alarmo ok.

This is mine, seems to work with above exception.

alias: An Entry Sensor Has Opened!
description: Investigate!
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.aqara_entry_sensors_group
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_sm_s918u1
      message: Entry Sensors Opened?
      title: Alert!
        ttl: 0
        priority: high
mode: single