Latest docker 6/1/2018 Missing Hassio tab

I’ve installed the latest docker build on my QNAP NAS with Container Station. Everything I’ve read tells me I installed correctly. Basic recipe, seen repeated in several posts, is here:

hassio: is not in my configuration.yaml file.

If I add it, and restart, home-assistant.log looks like this:

2018-06-07 21:22:03 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] No supervisor detect
2018-06-07 21:22:03 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for hassio: Component failed to initialize.

… and of course, no hassio tab.

This is with the latest docker posted 6/1/2018.

Any help would be appreciated.

That’s to be expected. You installed the docker version of Home Assistant, not hassio. That’s why hassio tab is not there. AFAIK, you can’t install hassio on a QNAP NAS.

try the guide here: Setup hassio on raspberry pi3 with raspbian jessie with pixel

Since hassio is basically just a docker install, would it be possible to somehow install the supervisor alongside the docker hass install and somehow link them together to get the benefits of hassio? There’s got to be someway to make this happen.

Thank you. The “Welcome Home” notifications that appear on the home screen after the installation is completed suggested (to me, at least), that this was in fact Hassio I had installed. The “Configuring Home Assistant” link that the install places (front and center!) on the home screen leads you right to installing Add-Ons as a first step … as if I should have been able to do that. As I am a newb’ in the Linux world, I’ll probably just see how far I can go without Hassio, and not mess with learning manual install commands that other replies suggested (might) work. Seems like there is a lot I can do with this container install and a text editor to get me started!

having the same issue/idea: install HASSIO on a QNAP, did you solve?