Latest HA update breaks Node Red

Hi Folks,

Just had the latest HA update so on 2024.5.3 and running Node Red 17.0.12

Before the latest HA update all node were working fine and I was using between 0.5 - 2% CPU for the Node Red plugin

After the latest HA update I am now running at about 26% CPU for the Node Red plugin also some of the entities are falling to update saying “ERROR”. If I restart the Node Red plugin it seems to fix it for a few hours.

I did restore from backup prior to the update and it all started working fine, however when the latest HA update was pushed again I started to see problems.

Anyone else seeing issues after the latest update of HA?



Breaking change in HA

Replace deprecated HomeAssistantType with HomeAssistant

now requires the latest version (3.1.7 or better) of Node Red Companion integration

At least, that fixed it for me.


Thansk bud, I will look into this.
Very mich appreciated.

Having check I already have 4.0.0 of the Node-RED companion :frowning:
Guess there are more issues.

Screenshot 2024-05-11 113157

Getting these types of errors in the Node Red logs

11 May 11:15:42 - [error] [api-call-service:Clear down Solar Boost Battery at 6am] NoConnectionError
11 May 11:15:42 - [error] [api-current-state:Is the Zappi in ECO+] InputError: Entity could not be found in cache for entityId: select.myenergi_zappi_charge_mode
11 May 11:15:43 - [error] [api-call-service:Turn off the planter, porch and garage lights.] NoConnectionError
11 May 11:15:46 - [info] [server:Home Assistant] Connecting to http://supervisor/core
11 May 11:15:46 - [info] [server:Home Assistant] Connected to http://supervisor/core

It looks like your automations are starting before NR has connected to home assistant. If so, you should do something similar to this

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This is expected when HA restarts. Node red does not restart with HA. So when HA is restarting nodered is still running and throws errors until the server reconnects.


Thansk Mike.

Thansk Max, it indeed backs up everyday is a school day.

Well I have captured the issue I am seeing

11 May 22:26:29 - [info] [server:Home Assistant] Connecting to http://supervisor/core
11 May 22:26:29 - [info] [server:Home Assistant] Connected to http://supervisor/core
11 May 22:29:49 - [info] Stopping modified nodes
11 May 22:29:49 - [info] Stopped modified nodes
11 May 22:29:49 - [info] Updated flows
11 May 22:29:49 - [info] Starting modified nodes
11 May 22:29:50 - [info] Started modified nodes
11 May 22:29:50 - [error] [ha-sensor:NR to HA Climate UpStairs] InvalidPropertyValueError: Invalid state
11 May 22:29:50 - [error] [ha-sensor:NR to HA Target Temperature UpStairs] InvalidPropertyValueError: Invalid state
11 May 22:29:50 - [error] [ha-sensor:NR to HA Climate DownStairs] InvalidPropertyValueError: Invalid state
11 May 22:29:50 - [error] [ha-sensor:NR to HA Target Temperature DownStairs] InvalidPropertyValueError: Invalid state

Have updated all the Node RED plugins but not able to fix it.

This is what happens when you deploy.

This is the exact same time of the deploy, were these node part of what you modified and deployed? If you let the system run, without changing anything , are there any errors after several hours?

Hey Mike,

So the issue has just happened

12 May 16:37:27 - [error] [api-current-state:Charging Windows Output] InputError: Entity could not be found in cache for entityId: binary_sensor.octopus_energy_a_9691fc5f_intelligent_dispatching

12 May 16:37:29 - [error] [api-current-state:Are Ivan’s notifications on?] InputError: Entity could not be found in cache for entityId: input_boolean.ivan_notifications_on

And at this point the CPU was pretyy much maxed out and because of this the autoamation are stuck.

there automations are not the ones above but I start to see this behaviour.



Then after the restart of Node Red it drops back to a normal state.

To be honest the log via the GUI is pretty useless, not sure if there are any more detailed logs or if I can turn on a debug mode.

I think I might of worked out what was happening.
So the first thing I should of done was work out what had changed other than the Node Red \ Home Assistant updates. I had created a new flow. I think this was going into a feed back loop sending the CPU to skyrocket as it never finsihed its job.

I am going to monitor it to see if my theory is correct.

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