Laundry Drying Outside / Drying Index Schedule

As with the inception of most things on home assistant I was mulling over an idea to help the other half out, either to make drying clothes outside more predictable or for me to utilise so I am not being complained at for using up drying space indoors.

I did some research and found the following post which goes in to the calculations of drying clothes and a complicated calculation on how to figure this out:

I then found the paper this relates to:

And also a website which gives the calculation based on the local weather, unfortunately it’s not a website that Home Assistant has configuration options for:

I haven’t had a chance to sit down and take a look at this myself, even from reading the calculation looks a little too complicated for me, so I was hoping to put it out there for collaboration or see if the community had some ideas and maybe integrate it in to Home Assistant by default.

This is just about the most stupid thing I have ever seen.

I’m not what you’d call an expert but I’m going to look into this…

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Ha, to think it’s kind of the opposite of what we try and achieve by monitoring dryers etc. But would have the benefit of saving energy in the long run. According to the articles even frozen water can evaporate so it wouldn’t be limited to daylight hours.

My thoughts are to combine the calculation with maybe an offset of when I can put out the washing for the following day, whether it’s gonna rain and of there’s enough time to dry by the time I get home. So 7pm until 7pm…

I haven’t looked at it but could probably strip out the data from the weather website quite easily…

Love this idea, did you ever get anywhere with it?

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Recent events make this even more important. Has anyone made progress on this?
Also the blog article cited above is no longer there; but I found it on the Wayback Machine:

AFAIK there’s been no updates on this. Nor did I find any implementation of the concept anywhere else, like reddit. Things may have changed since I last looked 18 months ago.

Someone else did manage to put together a template sensor for this: To line dry or not to line dry?

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