Ld2410 ble - hlk-ld2410b

I wouldn’t say it’s particularly weird, plenty of other posts on here report that theirs also work without problem. It’s likely I just received a defective unit, sadly quite common with cheap chinese boards. I ended up grabbing a FP2 in the end as I needed the better range and zone detection, it’s not perfect either but it’s okay.

Do you plan to add sensors to HA via BT? Note that BT can only connect to one device at a time, so if you see it (and connect to) with app then it’s connected to app and HA won’t see it until you restart sensor (and you don’t connect again with app). And vice versa: when sensor is connected to HA you won’t be able to connect with app until you restart senor again.
Note also that bt range of these sensors is veeery limited…expect frequent drop-outs.

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i hope all sensors will work by esp bthome , but that is not reality.Yes minimum one time a day sensor lost connection with HA.I ordered linptech and tuya sensors for testing.

I think that you’ll get better reliability if you connect them via esphome

Ha detect only one sensor from four which I buy .I can’t see them in bthome ,this one I see in Ld2410 ble integration.

I have managed to get B&C to connect to HA over ble but connection is unstable. Initially, connection drops then reconnects every few seconds until connection becomes permanently unavailable. After this the only way I have managed to reconnect is after a reboot of the HA host device (Synology NAS).

I use these cheap plastic cases from Ali: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005004528893277.html

It fits well and sensors are working good.