The B.A.BA of "automation"

Bonjour à vous tous,

Je suis tout nouveau dans le milieu de HA, et je m’expose à des difficultés de mise en oeuvre de mes désirs… Je pense que mes connaissances sont trop limitées pour percer et commencer par moi meme.

Je m’explique:
J’ai divers systèmes domotiques basiques de type zipamicro, smart home, alarme connectée…
Il m’est simple dans ces logiciels “très guidés” de réaliser des choses basiques, comme, par exemple, lorsque je passe ce bouton à ON, ça m’enclenche ceci, puis cela, puis, etc etc. Et lorsque je le bascule en OFF, ça génère ceci, cela, coupe ceci, etc.

Malheureusement, je pensais pouvoir facilement transposer ma “logique” sur HA, et je me vois confronté à de nombreuses contradictions (avec le fonctionnement, le principe, ma logique, le non fonctionnement, …). Je me mélange et me perds entre Automatisation / scenes / script / etc

J’ai beau éplucher les forums, les tutos, les docs de fonctionnements dans HA, je ne parviens pas à générer le début de quelque chose qui fonctionne.

Mon équipement est un Raspberry Pi4 de 4Go avec démarrage HA sur SSD, clés Zigbee et Zwave, configuration ok, intégrations ok (MQTT, Zigbee2mqtt, etc), premiers modules zigbee reconnus et intégrés.

Ma recherche me semble “simple” :
Lorsque je clique sur un bouton X sur le tableau de bord (par exemple “mode été”):
→ si passage a ON : => je déclenche module 1 => puis j’attends x secondes => je coupe module 2 => j’attends x secondes => puis si tel retour d’info est sur ON => je lance module 3 => si retour OFF alors envoie info “erreur” sur smartphone
→ si passage à OFF : = > arrêter module x => attendre x secondes puis tout passer OFF

C’est un exemple, mais j’ai 4 ou 5 config du style à réaliser.

Un coup je lis qu’il faut faire un script, un coup une automatisation n’est pas adaptée, un coup créer un bouton virtuel et coller une scène, un coup… bref, dans tous les cas, je n’obtient aucun résultat.

Je vais certainement en faire bailler et désintéresser plus d’un d’entre vous, mais si quelqu’un/uns peut m’aiguiller ??

merci par avance.

Forum guidelines regarding language


Hello everyone,

I’m brand new to the HA community, and I’m exposing myself to the difficulties of implementing my desires… I think my knowledge is too limited to break through and start on my own.

Let me explain :
I have various basic home automation systems such as zipamicro, smart home, connected alarm, etc.
It is easy for me in this “very guided” software to do basic things, like, for example, when I switch this button to ON, it triggers me this, then that, then, etc. etc. And when I switch it to OFF, it spawned this, that, cut this, etc.

Unfortunately, I thought I could easily transpose my “logic” on HA, and I see myself confronted with many contradictions (with the operation, the principle, the logic, the non-operation, …). I get mixed up and lost between Automation / scenes / script / etc

No matter how much I go through the forums, the tutorials, the docs of operations in HA, I can’t manage to produce the beginning of something that works.

My equipment is a 4GB Raspberry Pi4 with HA boot on SSD, Zigbee and Zwave keys, configuration ok, integrations ok (MQTT, Zigbee2mqtt, etc), first recognized and integrated zigbee modules.

My search seems “simple”:
When I click on an X button on the dashboard (for example “summer mode”):
→ if switch to ON: => I trigger module 1 => then I wait x seconds => I cut module 2 => I wait x seconds => then if such feedback is ON => I launch module 3 => if return OFF then send “error” info to smartphone → if switch to OFF:
=> stop module x => wait x seconds then switch everything OFF

This is an example, but I have 4 or 5 style config to achieve.

Suddenly I read that it is necessary to create a script, suddenly an automation is not suitable, suddenly create a virtual button and paste a scene, suddenly… in short, in any case, I get no results.

I will certainly make more than one of you yawn and disinterested, but if someone / some can guide me??

thanks in advance.

Guide you to do what exactly?

In the following description, what is the “switch” and what are are numbered “modules”? In other words, what is the entity_id of each one of the things you mentioned?

When I click on an X button on the dashboard (for example “summer mode”):
→ if switch to ON: => I trigger module 1 => then I wait x seconds => I cut module 2 => I wait x seconds => then if such feedback is ON => I launch module 3 => if return OFF then send “error” info to smartphone → if switch to OFF:
=> stop module x => wait x seconds then switch everything OFF

What do you mean by the term “style config”?

That got lost in the bad (probably automated) translation. What he meant is that he has 4 or 5 automation variants of the same type as the example he mentions above, presumably with different entities.

I think the French/English translation is approximate.

Guide me to generate actions from a virtual trigger button:
“summer mode” virtual button toggled to ON:
=> I trigger module 1 => then I wait x seconds => I cut module 2 => I wait x seconds => then if such return is ON => I launch * module 3* => if return OFF then send “error” info to the smartphone → if switch on OFF:
=> stop module x => wait x seconds then turn everything off

the modules are mainly zigbee din rail switches, relays, shutter controls.

mbad translation… these are 4 or 5 configurations of the type detailed above.

:+1: :clap: :clap:

List the entity_id of each switch/relay/shutter that you want to control.

You can find that information in Developer Tools > States.

5 x Din smart relay (with power monitoring) (TS011F_din_smart_relay) par TuYa

1 x Zigbee LED Controller RGBW (pro) (GL-C-007P) par Gledopto

zwave shutter currently uninstalled

Are you familiar with the term entity_id?

It’s how Home Assistant identifies an entity. Examples:


ha… sorry


What do you want to do with those two entities?

in fact, when I activate a virtual button on my dashboard (example “summer”) on ON, switch on a din rail switch to power an object, then wait a few seconds to activate another switch, then for example switch on the switch to turn on the LEDs if I have confirmation that a connected socket is indeed OFF… etc.

similarly, when I press this virtual button on my OFF dashboard, switch switch n°x to OFF, wait a few seconds then do the same with a second switch, then put the leds in blue for example, etc.

my difficulty is to start my project. I can’t manage to have a virtual button that allows me to then generate actions based on parameters, depending on whether I switch it to ON or OFF.

Is that switch.test_1_0x385b44fffe8e9495 or something else?

I couldn’t understand this tutorial and translate it… would that be my answer?! :triumph: :unamused:

something else (
a dry contact via a relay for example.)

It’s a virtual entity that is displayed as a switch with two states: on and off.
An automation employing a State Trigger can monitor the Input Boolean and perform actions based on the Input Boolean’s state-changes.

If it’s “something else” then we need to know its entity_id. That’s why I asked that you provide the entity_id of every entity that will be involved in what you are attempting to control.

I thank you very much for your help and these elements. what I’m going to try to do, with what you told me, is to manage on my own with the boolean and see if I can come up with something. and I come back to you. I may be able to get out of it if I manage to start thanks to you!