Learning IR codes from broadlink switch

MMh, that’s weird. Have you ever tried to use another device in HA as “type”? The website says that your device is supported, but maybe that’s the problem? Try this here …

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '24:DF:A7:42:DD:3F'
    type: rm2_pro_plus
    timeout: 30

A lot of people apparently use the RM3 with HA, but you never know! Tried your suggestion - however the behaviour is exactly the same. Nothing happens, except for the notification “Broadlink switch: No signal was received”

I can’t think of anything anymore. Maybe change the IP address from Broadlink? Are there any other “switches” in the configuration.yaml? If so, maybe comment them out to try?

Yeah im also stumped. I’ll try changing the ip, who knows!

My config.yaml only contains a device_tracker apart from the broadlink switch, nothing else:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

  - platform: ping
    track_new_devices: true
    consider_home: 180

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: 24:DF:A7:42:DD:3F
    type: rm_mini_3
    timeout: 30

Hello I have an Android smartphone and use the “ihc for eu” app. I once made a screenshot of the “Info”. Is here the mistake? But I don’t think that’s because !!! I am surprised that the “service” does not start on your system …

This is how the Broadlink is displayed in my “Fing” app

Yeah i can access those informations in the Broadlink app (not the IHC App) as well. I learned all commands into the app and that worked perfectly.

It appears the Command does get called, else i would probably not get the notification “Broadlink switch: No signal was received” - apparently HA is waiting to receive a command for 30sec and then tells me it didnt happen.

The obvious thing would be that some ip/mac address is wrong - but whenever i change something about that HA actually gives me a pop-up that the device wasnt found, so it seems HA actually is successfully pinging the broadlink - but the device does not react to the command.

I assigned the Broadlink a new static IP and changed all the entries accordingly, however that didnt make a diffference.

Here there is someone saying broadlink.learn actually is not working at all, the link he provides however talks about another kind of problem as far as i understand.

I found someone saying that he succeeded by putting the broadlink into learn-mode thru the app first, then calling the service in HA and then firing the remote at the Broadlink. But that didnt work for me

Also i read somewhere that the Broadlink devices are sometimes picky about power supplies, so to be sure i am now powering it with the original power cord and a 10’000 mAh / 3A batterypack. Didn’t help either. :tired_face:

I just checked, I also have a custom_components folder and here is a “broadlink2.py” file, which I don’t use (I think). A “custom_components” folder must be created in the “config” folder. In this folder a folder with the name “switch” is created,


here is the file: “broadlink2.py”.

Support for Broadlink RM devices.
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
import asyncio
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
import binascii
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
import socket

import voluptuous as vol

from homeassistant.components.switch import (
from homeassistant.const import (
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.util import Throttle, slugify
from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow

REQUIREMENTS = ['broadlink==0.9.0']

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=5)

DEFAULT_NAME = 'Broadlink switch'
SERVICE_LEARN = 'broadlink_learn_command'
SERVICE_SEND = 'broadlink_send_packet'
CONF_SLOTS = 'slots'

RM_TYPES = ['rm', 'rm2', 'rm_mini', 'rm_pro_phicomm', 'rm2_home_plus',
            'rm2_home_plus_gdt', 'rm2_pro_plus', 'rm2_pro_plus2',
            'rm2_pro_plus_bl', 'rm_mini_shate']
SP1_TYPES = ['sp1']
SP2_TYPES = ['sp2', 'honeywell_sp2', 'sp3', 'spmini2', 'spminiplus']
MP1_TYPES = ['mp1']


SWITCH_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
    vol.Optional(CONF_COMMAND_OFF): cv.string,
    vol.Optional(CONF_COMMAND_ON): cv.string,
    vol.Optional(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME): cv.string,

    vol.Optional('slot_1'): cv.string,
    vol.Optional('slot_2'): cv.string,
    vol.Optional('slot_3'): cv.string,
    vol.Optional('slot_4'): cv.string

    vol.Optional(CONF_SWITCHES, default={}):
    vol.Optional(CONF_SLOTS, default={}): MP1_SWITCH_SLOT_SCHEMA,
    vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string,
    vol.Required(CONF_MAC): cv.string,
    vol.Optional(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string,
    vol.Optional(CONF_TYPE, default=SWITCH_TYPES[0]): vol.In(SWITCH_TYPES),
    vol.Optional(CONF_TIMEOUT, default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): cv.positive_int

def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None):
    """Set up the Broadlink switches."""
    import broadlink
    devices = config.get(CONF_SWITCHES)
    slots = config.get('slots', {})
    ip_addr = config.get(CONF_HOST)
    friendly_name = config.get(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME)
    mac_addr = binascii.unhexlify(
        config.get(CONF_MAC).encode().replace(b':', b''))
    switch_type = config.get(CONF_TYPE)

    async def _learn_command(call):
        """Handle a learn command."""
            auth = await hass.async_add_job(broadlink_device.auth)
        except socket.timeout:
            _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect to device, timeout")
        if not auth:
            _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect to device")

        await hass.async_add_job(broadlink_device.enter_learning)

        _LOGGER.info("Press the key you want Home Assistant to learn")
        start_time = utcnow()
        while (utcnow() - start_time) < timedelta(seconds=20):
            packet = await hass.async_add_job(
            if packet:
                log_msg = "Received packet is: {}".\
                    log_msg, title='Broadlink switch')
            await asyncio.sleep(1, loop=hass.loop)
        _LOGGER.error("Did not received any signal")
            "Did not received any signal", title='Broadlink switch')

    async def _send_packet(call):
        """Send a packet."""
        packets = call.data.get('packet', [])
        for packet in packets:
            for retry in range(DEFAULT_RETRY):
                    extra = len(packet) % 4
                    if extra > 0:
                        packet = packet + ('=' * (4 - extra))
                    payload = b64decode(packet)
                    await hass.async_add_job(
                        broadlink_device.send_data, payload)
                except (socket.timeout, ValueError):
                        await hass.async_add_job(
                    except socket.timeout:
                        if retry == DEFAULT_RETRY-1:
                            _LOGGER.error("Failed to send packet to device")

    def _get_mp1_slot_name(switch_friendly_name, slot):
        """Get slot name."""
        if not slots['slot_{}'.format(slot)]:
            return '{} slot {}'.format(switch_friendly_name, slot)
        return slots['slot_{}'.format(slot)]

    if switch_type in RM_TYPES:
        broadlink_device = broadlink.rm((ip_addr, 80), mac_addr, None)
        hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_LEARN + '_' +
                               slugify(ip_addr.replace('.', '_')),
        hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SEND + '_' +
                               slugify(ip_addr.replace('.', '_')),
                               vol.Schema({'packet': cv.ensure_list}))
        switches = []
        for object_id, device_config in devices.items():
                    device_config.get(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME, object_id),
    elif switch_type in SP1_TYPES:
        broadlink_device = broadlink.sp1((ip_addr, 80), mac_addr, None)
        switches = [BroadlinkSP1Switch(friendly_name, broadlink_device)]
    elif switch_type in SP2_TYPES:
        broadlink_device = broadlink.sp2((ip_addr, 80), mac_addr, None)
        switches = [BroadlinkSP2Switch(friendly_name, broadlink_device)]
    elif switch_type in MP1_TYPES:
        switches = []
        broadlink_device = broadlink.mp1((ip_addr, 80), mac_addr, None)
        parent_device = BroadlinkMP1Switch(broadlink_device)
        for i in range(1, 5):
            slot = BroadlinkMP1Slot(
                _get_mp1_slot_name(friendly_name, i),
                broadlink_device, i, parent_device)

    broadlink_device.timeout = config.get(CONF_TIMEOUT)
    except socket.timeout:
        _LOGGER.error("Failed to connect to device")


class BroadlinkRMSwitch(SwitchDevice):
    """Representation of an Broadlink switch."""

    def __init__(self, name, friendly_name, device, command_on, command_off):
        """Initialize the switch."""
        self.entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(slugify(name))
        self._name = friendly_name
        self._state = False
        self._command_on = b64decode(command_on) if command_on else None
        self._command_off = b64decode(command_off) if command_off else None
        self._device = device

    def name(self):
        """Return the name of the switch."""
        return self._name

    def assumed_state(self):
        """Return true if unable to access real state of entity."""
        return True

    def should_poll(self):
        """Return the polling state."""
        return False

    def is_on(self):
        """Return true if device is on."""
        return self._state

    def turn_on(self, **kwargs):
        """Turn the device on."""
        if self._sendpacket(self._command_on):
            self._state = True

    def turn_off(self, **kwargs):
        """Turn the device off."""
        if self._sendpacket(self._command_off):
            self._state = False

    def toggle(self, **kwargs):
        self._state = not self._state

    def _sendpacket(self, packet, retry=2):
        """Send packet to device."""
        if packet is None:
            _LOGGER.debug("Empty packet")
            return True
        except (socket.timeout, ValueError) as error:
            if retry < 1:
                return False
            if not self._auth():
                return False
            return self._sendpacket(packet, retry-1)
        return True

    def _auth(self, retry=2):
            auth = self._device.auth()
        except socket.timeout:
            auth = False
        if not auth and retry > 0:
            return self._auth(retry-1)
        return auth

class BroadlinkSP1Switch(BroadlinkRMSwitch):
    """Representation of an Broadlink switch."""

    def __init__(self, friendly_name, device):
        """Initialize the switch."""
        super().__init__(friendly_name, friendly_name, device, None, None)
        self._command_on = 1
        self._command_off = 0
        self._load_power = None

    def _sendpacket(self, packet, retry=2):
        """Send packet to device."""
        except (socket.timeout, ValueError) as error:
            if retry < 1:
                return False
            if not self._auth():
                return False
            return self._sendpacket(packet, retry-1)
        return True

class BroadlinkSP2Switch(BroadlinkSP1Switch):
    """Representation of an Broadlink switch."""

    def assumed_state(self):
        """Return true if unable to access real state of entity."""
        return False

    def should_poll(self):
        """Return the polling state."""
        return True

    def current_power_w(self):
        """Return the current power usage in Watt."""
            return round(self._load_power, 2)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            return None

    def update(self):
        """Synchronize state with switch."""

    def _update(self, retry=2):
        """Update the state of the device."""
            state = self._device.check_power()
            load_power = self._device.get_energy()
        except (socket.timeout, ValueError) as error:
            if retry < 1:
            if not self._auth():
            return self._update(retry-1)
        if state is None and retry > 0:
            return self._update(retry-1)
        self._state = state
        self._load_power = load_power

class BroadlinkMP1Slot(BroadlinkRMSwitch):
    """Representation of a slot of Broadlink switch."""

    def __init__(self, friendly_name, device, slot, parent_device):
        """Initialize the slot of switch."""
        super().__init__(friendly_name, friendly_name, device, None, None)
        self._command_on = 1
        self._command_off = 0
        self._slot = slot
        self._parent_device = parent_device

    def assumed_state(self):
        """Return true if unable to access real state of entity."""
        return False

    def _sendpacket(self, packet, retry=2):
        """Send packet to device."""
            self._device.set_power(self._slot, packet)
        except (socket.timeout, ValueError) as error:
            if retry < 1:
                return False
            if not self._auth():
                return False
            return self._sendpacket(packet, max(0, retry-1))
        return True

    def should_poll(self):
        """Return the polling state."""
        return True

    def update(self):
        """Trigger update for all switches on the parent device."""
        self._state = self._parent_device.get_outlet_status(self._slot)

class BroadlinkMP1Switch:
    """Representation of a Broadlink switch - To fetch states of all slots."""

    def __init__(self, device):
        """Initialize the switch."""
        self._device = device
        self._states = None

    def get_outlet_status(self, slot):
        """Get status of outlet from cached status list."""
        return self._states['s{}'.format(slot)]

    def update(self):
        """Fetch new state data for this device."""

    def _update(self, retry=2):
        """Update the state of the device."""
            states = self._device.check_power()
        except (socket.timeout, ValueError) as error:
            if retry < 1:
            if not self._auth():
            return self._update(max(0, retry-1))
        if states is None and retry > 0:
            return self._update(max(0, retry-1))
        self._states = states

    def _auth(self, retry=2):
        """Authenticate the device."""
            auth = self._device.auth()
        except socket.timeout:
            auth = False
        if not auth and retry > 0:
            return self._auth(retry-1)
        return auth

I’ll put this in here, it’s worth a try, but please check the config before restarting the HA !!!
Good luck…


I have just deleted the “broadlink2.py” file, but learning and sending from IR codes still works

Hey @santaklon did you buy the RM Mini 3 recently? If you have one of the newer Chinese variants (device ID = 0x5f36) then it’s not going to work in HA until a future update.

Broadlink have changed the authentication routine for newer versions of this device and major changes were required to the third party python-broadlink component in order to get it to work with these newer devices.

The work has been done to fix the issue but I don’t think it’s reached the HA release yet. You can check out this post over at Github for more information, it contains information detailing how to patch the issue with the current HA release if you really want to get it working now. Otherwise sit tight and wait for a future HA release :slight_smile:

Hey @Siytek - thanks you for your reply. Yeah, i indeed ordered it from china just a few weeks ago! Too bad this is broken, but at least i don’t feel like an idiot anymore for trying so hard and still failing! I think i’ll forego messing with the component for now and just hope for a future update.

Don’t worry you are not the only one, many people have also had the same frustration. I myself bought two of these 0x5f36 devices and was convinced I was going to have to rip them open and change the internals! Very glad there were some bright minds over at Github who could solve the problem :slight_smile:

I’m also hawing a bit of a problem with my Broadlink mini IR, I get a notification when I call service remote.learn_command and entity_id: remote.broadlink but it only tells me to press the remote button, when I do the notifications goes away. If I use alternative: true I can push the button twice before the notification disappears, so I clearly get a signal.

I can’t find anything in the loggs, and nothing if I check between the alternative: true 2 pushes on the remote. I tried setting it up both as a remote and a switch and the most annoying this is that it used to work, just wanted a new clean install, and figured it wasn’t to hard last time.

Have I hidden some info or what do you guys think?

Hello, is the command learning supposed to work now again with the latest HA version?
I updated HA, can now call the service, get a dim grey light on the RM mini3 and it reacts to the IR of the remote when I press a button… but then nothing. Nothing received in HA.


Since some versions of HA have passed I decided to try this all again. However now broadlink.learn isnt even available anymore in services! Does anyone have any news on this?

Well, even though it isn’t working, this is still much better than what i had: nothing happening at all. Which HA-Version are you on?

My core version is on 0.109.6.

Since the Broadlink manager is also not working, is there any easy method to learn the codes in order to integrate them into HA?
If not, is there any alternative than Broadlink to do this? I figure Arduino can do, but I guess this is too much for me.
This is becoming a major blockage for me as I can’t control my air conditioning.

I’m encountering this too… in 0.118.3 :thinking: It used to work with broadlink.send. Now i’m trying to setup another HA but i cant get the IR codes. Any ideas?


The broadlink.send and broadlink.learn services were deprecated under the release 0.115 of home assistant: (check under Breaking Changes -> Broadlink)

Now you need to use remote.learn_command and remote.send_command instead.

I hope this helps!

1 Like

Thanks! Had tried that and it does not show on the notification like it used to. Are the learned codes stored somewhere? I know that the remote is responding when i execute a remote.learn and the orange indicator lights up. After pressing the button, it is gone and no signs of the remote IR code (it used to show up at notifications)…

The documentation is correct. Except that the folder is hidden, can’t see it. although the notion of .storage should have given me a hint. For those that stumble on this, hope it helps. The file is stored at /config/.storage. Need to SSH in to get the codes and SCP it down for my case.