Led controller advice

Hey all,

I’m looking for a led controller (single colour, no RGB) that can handle 24v, dimming and would work without too much tweaking. Does anyone have any advice? Perhaps something that supports MQTT, but not sure if that can also do dimming. I searched the forums but could not find which controller most of you use.


I got from Aliexpress a H801 led controller https://m.aliexpress.com/s/item/32835463844.html
It is compatible with Tasmota firmware and controllable with MQTT. The hardware is not bad for the price (check the review http://tinkerman.cat/closer-look-h801-led-wifi-controller/ ) , the Pwm frequency is right (no visible flickering even at low light levels, and it makes no noise or whine.

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Thanks @namadori,

Do you need to flash it before you use it in Home Assistant?



AFAIK yes, otherwise it works only with it’s own app.

The nice thing is that for 8$ you have 5 PWM channels (R+G+B+W1+W2). If you don’t need colors it’s like having independent 5 controllers.


I got a H801 and flashed tasmota onto it. Could you tell me what config you are using in configuration.yaml?

I’m not sure this is the best config, but for me it works. I’m using the W wire on the input side, in Tasmota it is PWM5, it must be enabled on the config page.

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Salotto Faretti"
    state_topic: "stat/sonoffled-1/RESULT"
    state_value_template: '{%- if value_json["PWM"]["PWM5"]| int > 0 -%} 1023 {%- else -%} 0 {%- endif -%}'
    command_topic: "cmnd/sonoffled-1/PWM5"
    on_command_type: 'brightness'
    brightness_state_topic: "stat/sonoffled-1/RESULT"
    brightness_command_topic: "cmnd/sonoffled-1/PWM5"
    brightness_value_template: '{{value_json["PWM"]["PWM5"]}}'
    brightness_scale: 1023
    qos: 0
    payload_on: '1023'
    payload_off: '0'
    retain: true
    optimistic: false
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Your post showing the config for the h801. It filled in the missing pieces I was having trouble with my h801/config. Thanks!

My config bits for my h801:

    - platform: mqtt
       name: "Test-H801-WW"
       state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
       state_value_template: '{%- if value_json["PWM"]["PWM5"]| int > 0 -%} 1023 {%- else -%} 0 {%- endif -%}'
       command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM5"
       on_command_type: 'brightness'
       brightness_state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
       brightness_command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM5"
       brightness_value_template: '{{value_json["PWM"]["PWM5"]}}'
       brightness_scale: 1023
       qos: 0
       payload_on: '1023'
       payload_off: '0'
       retain: true
       optimistic: false
   - platform: mqtt
       name: "Test-H801-CW"
       state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
       state_value_template: '{%- if value_json["PWM"]["PWM4"]| int > 0 -%} 1023 {%- else -%} 0 {%- endif -%}'
       command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM4"
       on_command_type: 'brightness'
       brightness_state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
       brightness_command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM4"
       brightness_value_template: '{{value_json["PWM"]["PWM4"]}}'
       brightness_scale: 1023
       qos: 0
       payload_on: '1023'
       payload_off: '0'
       retain: true
       optimistic: false
    - platform: mqtt
        name: "Test-H801-Red"
        state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
        state_value_template: '{%- if value_json["PWM"]["PWM1"]| int > 0 -%} 1023 {%- else -%} 0 {%- endif -%}'
        command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM1"
        on_command_type: 'brightness'
        brightness_state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
        brightness_command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM1"
        brightness_value_template: '{{value_json["PWM"]["PWM1"]}}'
        brightness_scale: 1023
        qos: 0
        payload_on: '1023'
        payload_off: '0'
        retain: true
        optimistic: false
    - platform: mqtt
        name: "Test-H801-Green"
        state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
        state_value_template: '{%- if value_json["PWM"]["PWM2"]| int > 0 -%} 1023 {%- else -%} 0 {%- endif -%}'
        command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM2"
        on_command_type: 'brightness'
        brightness_state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
        brightness_command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM2"
        brightness_value_template: '{{value_json["PWM"]["PWM2"]}}'
        brightness_scale: 1023
        qos: 0
        payload_on: '1023'
        payload_off: '0'
       retain: true
       optimistic: false
    - platform: mqtt
        name: "Test-H801-Blue"
        state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
        state_value_template: '{%- if value_json["PWM"]["PWM3"]| int > 0 -%} 1023 {%- else -%} 0 {%- endif -%}'
       command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM3"
       on_command_type: 'brightness'
       brightness_state_topic: "stat/test-h801/RESULT"
       brightness_command_topic: "cmnd/test-h801/PWM3"
       brightness_value_template: '{{value_json["PWM"]["PWM3"]}}'
       brightness_scale: 1023
       qos: 0
       payload_on: '1023'
       payload_off: '0'
       retain: true
       optimistic: false
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