Led driver/controller


I ordered a bedroom furniture that has LED strips (LED Strip Lynx Premium COB 9,6 W/m IP20 (24V DC) | Emuca) built into the furniture controlled by a touch switch (Dimmer, Häfele Loox, modular design, for snap-in connector | online at HÄFELE) connected to a driver (Driver, Häfele Loox5 24 V | online at HÄFELE)

Is there a Zigbee driver with the same type of I/O, so that I can integrate it with HA (Zigbee2MQTT)?
If don’t exist the same type of I/O, a default one (that support an external physical switch)?

12V LED strip with 24V driver?

I think that it is 24V LED strip too. I update the post with the images that furniture store send me.

Makes much more sense.
What about the button, it could be just a simple touch button or something more sophisticated, any idea?

i thing it is just a touch button for turn on/off

How many pins it has in the connector?

from the documentation on the website, it seems to have 3 pins

I use those all over the place with a Home Assistant Sky Connect (ZBT-1) Stick:

They are great, because they support all input voltages and Led types (only for single adressable Leds I use WLED devices).

But they don’t have a connector for a physical switch. Maybe consider using an external switch / motion sensor etc. and a Home Assistant automation to turn the lights on/off?

You don’t have the devices “on your hands”?
You can easily build a setup with Shelly plus 1, 24V psu and a push button.
It’s only question if you can/want to use the existing button and power supply for this setup. To figure out that you need to do some testing with multimeter.
Similar to this setup:

yap. looks to be the easy solution

not yet. I’m trying to find a solution before the furniture delivery/installation

Shelly ids not zigbee. but aqara T2, should work, right?

One way or another.
Documentation is quite bad. I wasn’t able to find a circuit diagram for powering it at 24VDC.