LED Motion sensor automation

In my Master Bedroom closet I have a Wyze motion sensor that triggers a KULED switch to turn the closet light on/off. (CODE BELOW)

I want to add an automation that the light is triggered from 6AM to 9PM, then I want my LED strip (WLED Controlled Wemos d1 mini) to come on from 9PM tp 6AM if motion is triggered.

Where I am having trouble is with the time condition. If some one can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

Current code for motion sensor.

#         MASTER CLOSET LIGHTS ON 16MAR2021        #
- id: "1589495884826"
  alias: "Lights - Closet Lights ON"
  description: Master Bedroom Closet Lights ON
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.wyze_closet
      platform: state
      to: "on"
      from: "off"
  condition: []
    - entity_id: switch.master_bedroom_closet_light
      service: switch.turn_on
#         MASTER CLOSET LIGHTS OFF 16MAR2021       #
- id: "1589596007289"
  alias: "Lights - Closet Lights OFF"
  description: Master Bedroom Closet Lights OFF
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.wyze_closet
      for: 00:01:00
      platform: state
      to: "off"
      from: "on"
  condition: []
    - entity_id: switch.master_bedroom_closet_light
      service: switch.turn_off
  mode: single
#            END OF CONFIGURATION FILE             #

Would I just add the following to the above automation in the Lights On section and reverse it for the LED automation.

    condition: time
    after: "06:00:00"
    before: "21:00:00"

The assumption I am making is that you have two lights:

  1. switch.master_bedroom_closet_light
  2. switch.master_bedroom_led_light
  • If the current hour is between 6 and 21 you want to turn on the 1st light, not the 2nd light.
  • If the time is outside those hours you want to turn on the 2nd light, not the 1st light.

The following single automation should handle turning the appropriate light on/off based on the motion sensor’s activities.

- id: "example_abc_123"
  alias: "Automatic Closet Lights"
  description: Master Bedroom Closet Lights
  mode: queued
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.wyze_closet
      platform: state
      to: "on"
      from: "off"
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.wyze_closet
      for: 00:01:00
      platform: state
      to: "off"
      from: "on"
  condition: []
    - service: "switch.turn_{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"
        entity_id: "switch.master_bedroom_{{ 'closet' 6 <= if now().hour < 21 else 'led' }}_light"

If the led light’s name is different, I can help you modify the template accordingly.

Thank you, worked great.

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Glad to hear it meets your requirements.

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