Led strip with YSR-MINI-01 (Zigbee) disconects continously

I bought this led strip from Ali Express (https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005003213415540.html) with the ZigBee module. The setup is easy to do, the led strip is detected without any issues, however, after a couple of seconds after the pairing task it starts to blink and loses connection. It reconnects, stays stable for a couple of seconds and disconnects, indefinitely.

I am using the docker version of home assistant, with a sky connect plug for Zigbee (other Zigbee devices work fine) within an RPI-4.

The issue is probably the Zigbee module that came with the led strip from Ali Express, but before asking for a refund I would like to check the issue.

Any ideas?

Sounds like it could be faulty. I’m pretty sure I use that same controller (identified as a ZB-CL01 by eWeLight) via ZHA. I have 2 of them and they are both stable. The other possibility is a fault power supply.

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I requested a replacement, when it arrives I will be able to validate the faulty ZigBee module.

Regardless be sure to read and follow this → Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization

The replacement arrived but the issue continues.
It may still be an issue with the cheap AliExpress controller, but twice receiving a faulty controller does not appear as probable as other possible issues.
I also tried a second power supply (from a respectable electronic shop) and the behaviour is the same.

Regarding the guide for Avoiding Zigbee interference, I have a healthy Zigbee network made with 4 sensors (end devices), one plug and one smart lamp (both router devices) and a HA SkyConnect connected on an extension cable.

No, this is a ZHA issue. I switched to Zigbee2MQTT and it worked flawlessly right away, just like the Aqara P1 and T1 that also didn’t work properly on ZHA.

That is really strange, given I have two identical controllers and they are working fine in ZHA.

I still think it might be something to do with signal strength. 4 Zigbee devices is a very small network.

Can you check the LQI score on the device (you will need to enable it as a hidden entity on the device first).

255, it’s like a meter from the SkyConnect.