LED Tide Display (help needed)

Can I suggest reading the How to ask a good question FAQ then helping us to help you with more details:

  • How are you calculating the tide state?
    I’m a dinghy sailor so know about XTide, harmonics, etc but (this far…) have only seen integrations that scrape an external website for images. That works for a web page, but a depth/ height/ length sensor is really needed here.
    A goal to work to here is a template sensor which gives a scaled number that can be used for graphing - this could be a web scrape, a calculation, a Python API call, an existing integration - what ever works (I’ve got the harmonics data for my local bay so scraping feels a poor solution).

    • test and develop using the Developer Tools Template editor fitst to get a calculation of the form {{ now().hour }}:{{ now().minute }}
    • create a template sensor (I use a separate templates.yaml) and set it to update at sensible intervals from the calculation
  • A quick look at the WLED FAQ and forum didn’t find any bar graph references. You can split a strip into segments and address them separately, which might work.
    A nasty hack would be to simply reduce the number of pixels in the string with a WLED command!
    OFF, reduce Length, ON.

  • Tasmota might be easier - there are bar graph references in the wiki, as I built a LED clock and noticed the commands. Worst case - write something for ESPhome.