Legrand Nuvo multi-room audio support

I have a Concerto not a Grand Concerto that I would be willing to test on. I have tried the HACS method but when configuring the add on it fails to connect after a long pause. The Essentia fails immediately so I am not sure if it is doing any type of model validation.

The older Concerto amp has a different protocol, so will not work with this integration, sorry

sprocket-9, I tried installing your new integration using a Grand Concerto. I was not able to get it to connect. When I added the integration and entered my serial port (/dev/ttyS0) I only got a spinning circle. I briefly looked through the code but couldn’t find where the baud rate is setup. I have some functionality working through Node Red, which I disabled when trying to add this, but am very interested in getting your integration up and running.

Is it still available in HACS, I don’t see it in the integrations?

As lleo has said, the Concerto model will not work due to protocol incompatibility.

There is model validation happening at connect time. For Essentia G it’s looking for a model number of “NV-E6G” in the response to the *VER command - does this match your Essentia’s model number?

Make sure your Node Red stuff is fully disabled and not trying to use the serial port, the integration needs exclusive use of the serial port and oddities will occur if something else is trying to read from it at the same time.

It won’t be a baud rate problem, this is set in the underlying library to 57600 for both models.

It could be serial port permissions:

ps -ef | grep -i homeassistant # find user owning the home assistant process, in my case it’s homeassistant
ls -l /dev/ttySO # find group name, in my case it’s dialout
groups homeassistant # check dialout group is in the list
sudo usermod -G dialout -a homeassistant # add homeassistant to dialout group

Reboot and see if it works now.

It is still available. If it’s not appearing for you, HACS might not be showing it as available if you’re running an older version of Home Assistant. The integration needs 2021.3.2 or newer.

Thanks for the response. It was a fresh install so it should be the latest version. It was a Virtualbox VM install. I saw lots of other integrations but I’ll check the setup again… new to this so could have quite easily missed something.
Looking forward to testing this :+1:

The model I have is a NV-I8DM.

OK that’s the older Concerto model which isn’t protocol compatible. I thought from your message you also had an Essentia G model, but doesn’t look it.

The two compatible models are:
Grand Concerto model NV-I8GM
Essentia G model NV-E6G

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I am going to spin up a pi and check it out.

Thank you - I I have a Grand Concerto model NV-I8GM and, after some failed attempts to get this Nuvo integration setup manually as a custom component, came across your HACS install. I am running Home Assistant on an Odroid box and It worked beautifully first time. In addition to control by the cards I have tried some basic automation via Node Red and can now mute the Nuvo when the doorbell goes (a Shelly relay).

There is life yet in the old Nuvo system. Control via HA and the media player is much better than using the Music Port app. I have switched to Volumio as my main music source plus a Nuvo DAB tuner.

It worked first time for me. With the changes to HA this seems like the best course of action. I did have issues with unused zones and sources. They seem to populate even when you leave one blank. That could have been how I set it up (went with the defaults, then deleted the integration and started over). Editing zones and sources after install would be a nice feature as well.

Happy to hear it worked for you :slight_smile: I have a doorbell Nuvo automation too, but I went a stage further than muting and use the Nuvo page service to play an mp3 of the doorbell through the zone speakers at the rear of the house where it is hard to hear the bell. Also have one to mute/unmute Nuvo zones when receiving/ending calls.

Yeah I may revisit the config flow for the zone import at some point, as there’s no way to choose which ones you want included or edit after install.

Workarounds for now:

  • Pre-disable any zones/sources you’re sure you won’t ever use in HA before installing the integration as it ignores these. Either use the Nuvo Configurator software or the nuvo-serial python lib commands to disable.

  • Let it import everything then disable them at the Home Assistant entity level.

  • If you manually configure lovelace UI, import everything and only add cards for entities you want to see in the UI.

Serial port and source list names can be changed after install by choosing Configure from the integration.

Installed ok on my Pi and VM, very quick response to commands. I used the player options you suggest but had to add my own buttons for play, prev and next. Am I missing something?
I’d be interested in what other players people have configured…

How did you get a specific file to play in your doorbell setup? I was wondering how I could select music, is it possible to send commands to navigate to favourites, e.g. 1-5?
Sending a message to a zone might be useful too.
Good stuff so far, very pleased, great job @sprocket-9

These are on my list. I am new to HA and impressed by the community and how easy it has been to bring together different hardware stacks over IP or serial. I now have my lighting (Rako), music (Nuvo) and alarm and sensors (Texecom) all controllable through HA integrations plus some shelly stuff. In all cases the entities have been added automatically by the integration which is so much better than writing yaml scripts. I find Node Red works for me to build automations.

I am also trying to get text to speech working through the Nuvo speakers. I have a Nuvo MPS4 as a source but have really stopped using it as a primary one. I now use the DAB tuner plus Volumio running a RPi. The Nuvo keypads are fine for swapping sources but not practical for browsing through a large music library. The Nuvo app works but is horrible compared to the Volumio front end. Volumio also comes in directly to HA as a music player. So far I can’t make the TTS work through Volumio but haven’t had the time to debug.

The play/prev/next services which simulate the keypad presses were added late on and the the media player component representing a nuvo zone currently doesn’t have support for these services enabled, which is why the buttons are missing in the card.

Having the button on the zone player are only really useful for nuvonet sources - I don’t have any myself and use separate HA media player cards for my supported sources, each with their own media control buttons.

However I’ll enable support in the next HACS release - those that don’t want the buttons visible can use the mini media player configuration options to hide them, or alternatively, the buttons will cause automation triggers to fire when a non nuvonet source is selected and could be used to write automations to call the media control services of whatever HA supported source is selected for a zone - if anyone is feeling adventurous :wink:

My doorbell automation:
Connect the audio out from the HA machine soundcard to nuvo source 6
Create an automation triggering on the doorbell ring
Call the nuvo_serial.page_on service
Play the mp3 using the HA VLC integration
Add a delay matching the mp3 duration
Call nuvo_serial.page_off service

If you don’t want to dedicate source 6 to this purpose you could do an automation like:

Use nuvo_serial.snapshot service to snapshot zones you want to include
Switch to desired nuvo source (HA supported)
Call service to play the mp3
Call nuvo_serial.restore service for each zone

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Agreed on your HA assessment, I wasn’t expecting so much when I looked into first time but it’s very impressive. Which integration do you use for your Texecom sensors?

I use texecom2mqtt to integrate the alarm panel and sensors. I had to upgrade my alarm panel from Premier to Premier Elite to get it working - I already had a ComIP for programming. I have quite a few PIRs and alarm contacts on doors/windows so it’s good to be able to use these in other automations. What I like about HA is that it makes it easy to combine a rako PIR in the porch with a texecom alarm contact on the front door to determine whether to switch on the hall lights.

I have started to have a play with the Nuvo page and snapshot. For the TTS I had a spare Chromecast audio so plugged this into input 6 on the Nuvo.