Legrand Radiant Smart WiFi Switches?

Anyone know if or how to integrate the Legrand Radiant Smart WiFi switches?

They are OCF certified and work with Google and Alexa, etc.

I am new to HA and everything and wondering if these can be setup and how. Ideally I do not want to open up my HA to internet and have to go through Google or Alexa, etc.

Thank you!

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Were you able to find a solution for this? I have a couple radiant switches that I have working with Alexa through the Smart Lights app but I’ve been unable to get working with HA.

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No Sorry. But I haven’t dug into it much since either.

Most of my questions on this forum fall on deaf ears unfortunately.

Haha thanks for the response. Not coming up with much with searching. I’ll try to remember to respond here if I come up with anything.

I finally found a workaround to control my Legrand Switches with Home Assistant. It’s not ideal and maybe someone knows of a better way, but it works for now.

I already have my switches working with Alexa so what I do is use the Alexa Media Player integration to send a command to my echo to run a routine.

To set this up, first set up an Alexa routine with what you want your switches to be set at. I set up a routine for my lights be off, another routine at 50%, and another routine at 100%. I then set up a script to send the command to alexa to run that routine.

Here’s the example I used to set up the script:

  alias: Plant Light Off
  - data:
      entity_id: media_player.bruce_s_echo_dot
      media_content_id: plantLightOff
      media_content_type: routine
    service: media_player.play_media

I can then call that script in automations that I want to control the Legrand switches with.

There’s a bit more info in this thread:

Hope that helps.