Lennox iComfort S30, E30 or M30 thermostat API?

I’m just getting around to updating this to the latest version. Anything specific I should look for?

I agree. I’d love to send a token of appreciation. S30 multizone support is awesome.

Thanks for the very kind words. I’ll look to get something setup!

Looks like Lennox now has an Open API. They specifically mention Control4, but maybe it’ll work with Home Assistant through an API? iComfort Thermostats - Open API - Control4 - YouTube

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Yep - see the posts above from peterage - he has a custom component you can try: GitHub - PeteRager/lennoxs30

That one works by scraping the cloud/site doesn’t it? With the open API it would be local wouldn’t it?

No, it’s not scraping. It is using the API, which communicates with the Lennox cloud servers. See his github description - it’s very clear about this. There unfortunately isn’t an open local control API that I am aware of.

EDIT: other than Homekit/S30 control, which is local - but very limited capability compared to this new custom integration.

Open API is marketing. There is nothing Open about their system, no API docs, no examples, etc :frowning: There current HomeKit integration as other say, does the minimal possible. The Cloud API Integration has been very stable for me and others.

All that said, I have recently discovered the latest IOS app release is able to communicate and control the thermostat on the local LAN using a protocol called DDS/RTPS. Decoding this will be complex and significant work, compared to their cloud REST API. If there is interest in working on this, I have setup an issue that we can collaborate on. https://github.com/PeteRager/lennoxs30api/issues/11

The integration has been updated to provide native support for Celsius, and has a community contribution for working with HACS.

If you are using an older release and Celsius - this release provides much better accuracy - check it out.

Release v0.0.9 · PeteRager/lennoxs30 (github.com)

Any chance of this going in as a proper integration? This is exceptional. I got it up and running via HACS, no problemos! Good stuff.

Yeah, that’s a good suggestion.

Just a quick note, a user reported an inability to restart the integration yesterday, after some hours of troubleshooting we have a work-around in place to get their system back on-line. Root cause is some odd behavior on the lennox cloude that we do not understand.

This will be packaged into an update later this week (10/14,10/15) - in the mean-time if your system is running you may want to leave it that way. Or if you do encounter it, open an issue and I’ll send you the temporary fix.

No data on startup - v0.0.8 · Issue #43 · PeteRager/lennoxs30 (github.com)


Got the integration setup with minimal issues using HACs. The integration never showed up in Configuration => Integrations => Add integration but adding the lines to my config.yaml worked just fine.

Question: once the climate entity is added in HA, can I change it to just climate.icomfort and the temp & humidity sensor entity names too? I only have the one device and one zone so that is easier. Was sure if changing the entity names would mess anything up.

Apologies just seeing this now. You should be able to change those names to whatever you want. Internally we are using a unique ID based off the serial number of your device, so changing the entity name and ID is fine,

Let me know If you have other questions. Best way is to open an issue, that will get rapid support.

New release it out. Lots of improvements. Happy holidays!!

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If I setup as local, can I still control the T-stat remotely through Home Assistant app on my phone?

Do you mean the Lennox App on the Phone?

If so Yes. That’s s fine setup and works well.

If you mean the home assistant app, that will work fine.

The only limitation is that setting the S30 into diag level 2 to obtain real-time power information may cause stability issues when the S30 is internet connected (aka accessible from the Lennox App on your phone) due to the increase volume of data sent (and it goes to your phone also)

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New release out

Some new very cool diagnostic data available.

the integration (which was working beautifully) stopped working suddenly some months ago for m30. After a Lennox update, I believe?

Are you working to fix this?