I am trying to get a server certificate for ESPHome and home-assistant on HassOS on a raspberry pi 3B+. I want to enable https. I own my domain AustinCustomErrands.com and use it to serve my wife’s website written by hand in HTML5 with no wordpress, analytics or website builder stuff. I configured my domain dns records to work with firebase and zoho email.
I am trying to get a certificate for a subdomain of AustinCustomErrands.com. Long ago I created a domain [orchestra] on the LAN and assigned various computers the names of musical instruments with reserved ipv4 addresses on my Netgear router.
I read the Let’s Encrypt and tried the http method. I never worked for me. I am not sure what records need to be added to my domain’s dns. I stopped working on it when I noticed strangers attempting to access the enter http port on my router.
hover.com is not supported in home-assistant. It is rejected. I tried a couple other dns providers, but they did not work. I do not need access outside my local home network now, but in the future I may want it.
Can’t find any help in certbot about running HassOS. Do I have to run certbot on a different computer with a normal Linux OS?
I have only been working with homeassistant for a couple of weeks (I gave up on OpenHAB). I assumed the Let’s Encrypt add-on would take care of automatic certificate renewal. I expected the generic dns challange example to have yaml that caused Let’s Encrypt to generate data to put in TXT record on my domain to prove I own it.
Maybe I am asking the wrong questions. All I want to do is make ESPHome work in homeassistant. I see references to a requirement that I get server certificates so that https will work. Firebase set that all up for me to host the website at austincustomerrands.com (both http and https). I just add records it suggests to my domain DNS at hover.com.
I found a sloppy work around. Go to firefox Settings->Privacy & Security->HTTPS-Only Mode->[Manage Exceptions…] button (near the bottom of the page). In the menu add website homeassistant:8123 then click button [Turn Off], not [Turn Off Temporarily]. It does not address my issue, but I can access homeassistant.
The real issue is still how to make Let’s Encrypt add-on work with hover.com. I did finally figure out how to make the Let’s Encrypt add-on work using dns-google on my domain (make google create a google.json file), It validated and did everything except issue a certificate. A monthly fee to google is required to get them to actually issue server certificates. I think google also sets up CDN (which I do not need at all). They do it for free with my wife’s free firebase hosted website, but not for my own subdomain.
I was hoping that setting up SSL with my domain would unlock some “additional features” (mentioned in documentation without any details) in homeassistant.
I am giving up on this for now - this rabbit hole is full of unexpected twists and turns. Thank you for your help.