Let's encrypt own domain at hover.com dns (not DuckDNS) on raspberry pi

I am trying to get a server certificate for ESPHome and home-assistant on HassOS on a raspberry pi 3B+. I want to enable https. I own my domain AustinCustomErrands.com and use it to serve my wife’s website written by hand in HTML5 with no wordpress, analytics or website builder stuff. I configured my domain dns records to work with firebase and zoho email.

I am trying to get a certificate for a subdomain of AustinCustomErrands.com. Long ago I created a domain [orchestra] on the LAN and assigned various computers the names of musical instruments with reserved ipv4 addresses on my Netgear router.

I read the Let’s Encrypt and tried the http method. I never worked for me. I am not sure what records need to be added to my domain’s dns. I stopped working on it when I noticed strangers attempting to access the enter http port on my router.

hover.com is not supported in home-assistant. It is rejected. I tried a couple other dns providers, but they did not work. I do not need access outside my local home network now, but in the future I may want it.

I tried to create a subdomain using 2 CNAME records orchestra.austincustomerrands.com.
orchestra CNAME austincustomerrands.com
*.orchestra CNAME austincustomerrands.com

How can I get a certificate for hover.com using dns method?

It doesn’t need to actually route yet. That will come later when I get an routable IPV6 address for my raspberry pi and connect it to the internet.


Can’t find any help in certbot about running HassOS. Do I have to run certbot on a different computer with a normal Linux OS?

I have only been working with homeassistant for a couple of weeks (I gave up on OpenHAB). I assumed the Let’s Encrypt add-on would take care of automatic certificate renewal. I expected the generic dns challange example to have yaml that caused Let’s Encrypt to generate data to put in TXT record on my domain to prove I own it.

Maybe I am asking the wrong questions. All I want to do is make ESPHome work in homeassistant. I see references to a requirement that I get server certificates so that https will work. Firebase set that all up for me to host the website at austincustomerrands.com (both http and https). I just add records it suggests to my domain DNS at hover.com.

What is the relation between ESPHome and SSL ??

In the supervisor node it has “open web ui”. Firefox Browser console has messages like this:

HTTPS-Only Mode: Not upgrading insecure request “http://homeassistant.orchestra:8123/auth/authorize?response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fhomeassistant.orchestra%3A8123%2F%3Fauth_callback%3D1&client_id=http%3A%2F%2Fhomeassistant.orchestra%3A8123%2F&state=eyJoYXNzVXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL2hvbWVhc3Npc3RhbnQub3JjaGVzdHJhOjgxMjMiLCJjbGllbnRJZCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9ob21lYXNzaXN0YW50Lm9yY2hlc3RyYTo4MTIzLyJ9” because it is exempt.

HTTPS-Only Mode: Not upgrading insecure request “http://homeassistant.orchestra:8123/?auth_callback=1&code=ebefc44f94a24dbf97c47814203586fb&state=eyJoYXNzVXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL2hvbWVhc3Npc3RhbnQub3JjaGVzdHJhOjgxMjMiLCJjbGllbnRJZCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9ob21lYXNzaXN0YW50Lm9yY2hlc3RyYTo4MTIzLyJ9” because it is exempt.

HTTPS-Only Mode: Not upgrading insecure request “ws://homeassistant.orchestra:8123/api/websocket” because it is exempt.

I am quite sure you don’t need ssl for esphome, especially cause supervisor uses ingress

But at first glance this appears to be a firefox bug :thinking:
Have you tried googling “HTTPS-Only Mode: Not upgrading insecure request because it is exempt.” ?
I suggest you try another browser?

I found a sloppy work around. Go to firefox Settings->Privacy & Security->HTTPS-Only Mode->[Manage Exceptions…] button (near the bottom of the page). In the menu add website homeassistant:8123 then click button [Turn Off], not [Turn Off Temporarily]. It does not address my issue, but I can access homeassistant.

The real issue is still how to make Let’s Encrypt add-on work with hover.com. I did finally figure out how to make the Let’s Encrypt add-on work using dns-google on my domain (make google create a google.json file), It validated and did everything except issue a certificate. A monthly fee to google is required to get them to actually issue server certificates. I think google also sets up CDN (which I do not need at all). They do it for free with my wife’s free firebase hosted website, but not for my own subdomain.

I was hoping that setting up SSL with my domain would unlock some “additional features” (mentioned in documentation without any details) in homeassistant.

I am giving up on this for now - this rabbit hole is full of unexpected twists and turns. Thank you for your help.