Let's start talking about the new Z-wave JS integration

I do not appear to be able to access this. @TheFuzz4 - I assume you mean http://my.home.assistant.ip:8091 is where I need to be browsing to?

are you sure you passed the USB key through from the host to the VM?

yes it is.

I’ve had this and I needed to tell it to reinterview the node sometimes I had to keep pushing the wake button or other things until it finally picked it all up.

Are you using Hassio or Supervisor?

If the answer is yes, can someone who installed it via the AddOn store chime in here on how to get to the ZwaveJS web page?

Thank you - yes, I’m using hassio (the operating system on a pi) with supervisor etc.

Your best bet is to use the Dev Tools to listen to the zwave_js_event and then do a triple click on the switch. HA will capture the even and show you the json data. You’ll want to copy the “node_id”, “label”, and “value” fields from the “Data” property and use those for the “event_data” property in the automation trigger.

Is the Fibaro roller shutter cover already available? FGR222
So far only:

    "event_type": "zwave_js_event",
    "data": {
        "type": "value_notification",
        "domain": "zwave_js",
        "node_id": 2,
        "home_id": 4181654489,
        "endpoint": 0,
        "device_id": "899085d8d14b8204e204ce758b96b3cd",
        "command_class": 43,
        "command_class_name": "Scene Activation",
        "label": null,
        "property_name": "sceneId",
        "property_key_name": null,
        "value": 25
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2021-02-04T18:26:06.653866+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "32277cabc81d2fb5202c11d202863228",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

As youi can see, there is no label. :pensive:

See my reply above. Use the deivce_id and maybe in your case the value fields. It took some trial and error from my part of slimming it down until it finally triggered the event I needed it to do.

Yeah its been a few years since I’ve ran HassIO (had to do a panic migration after my sdcard took a dump) So I’m sadly going to need someone who is also using HassIO to chime in here on how to access the UI for ZwaveJS2MQTT

Ah! Yours is a “Scene Activation” event. My instructions were for a “Central Scene”. I think your trigger should catch this event with the following event_data:

node_id: 2
property_name: sceneId
value: 25
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I tried using the node_id with my setup and it still failed to work so thats when I swapped it over to the device_id

I was able to get the new Z-wave JS integration and everything that is not battery powered came right up and works as expected. Although I have a few battery powered motion sensors, door\window sensors that seem to become unavailable anytime the zwavejsmqtt server is restarted or any changes are made to the sever and I have to save the changes. I have to go in on each device and push the button to get it show, although that doesn’t seem to work on each device.

Is anyone else having this issue? Or is this expected behavior, for now?

I’m having the same issues. It’s also not picking up all the entities from the devices in Home Assistant.

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You’re not alone on this

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For some reason the Z-Wave JS integration isnt’ even shown… done a hard refresh too but haven’t restarted HA. I’ll try that next.

Good tip, thanks.

To anyone having issues picking up battery powered devices…

The controller will only query devices when they are awake and report in.

In many cases, that could be several hours or even days depending on the schedule configured in the device.

And just to be clear, just because the device reports movement/temp/humidity/etc doesn’t mean that the device is “awake enough” to send reporting data.

To find out how long the wake interval is set to you can re-install the old zwave integration (or re-enable it if you just stopped the zwave network) and look in the values for each node. It will tell you how many seconds the wake cycle is.

And you can change it there too so it takes less time to report in. I set all of mine to 3600 in preparation to switch to OZW (but never did).

But again, if you change the setting there be aware that the setting won’t actually be completed until the next normal wake up cycle of the device. So even then you may still have to wait a while for that setting to change. The benefit of doing it that way is that you can still use your zwave network while you are waiting for the changes to take effect.

Yeah, I know you can’t immediately start using the shiny new stuff :star_struck: right away but it’s way less frustrating to do it methodically instead of jumping in the deep end and rushing things.

You should be able to manually wake up devices and the report should happen immediately. But some devices are pretty persnickety and can be difficult to wake up.

either keep trying (or try a different way) or just wait for them to wake up.

Does anyone know if this or the new zwave-js-server-python support using my Razberry daughter card that’s in a raspi 3b+ (ttyAMA0) via a network connection like ser2net (or equivalent) or will I still have to install the integration on the pi with the real physical port like I’m doing now with ozw 1.6?

zwave-js-server-python is just a Python component that talks to the server, so would not be relevant.

The API docs for zwave-js say it supports a tcp serial port, you can try it. https://zwave-js.github.io/node-zwave-js/#/api/driver?id=constructor


Of course, if you just run zwave-js on the RPi you don’t need a tcp serial port.