Let's start talking about the new Z-wave JS integration

I updated from 0.1.10 to 0.1.12 and one of my battery powered devices (zcombo smoke/co detector) became unavailable as was observed in version 0.1.11. The device did not become available after waiting for 8 hours. Restored 0.1.10 add-on from a snapshot and the device became available again.

given this some more thought, I only need the sensor.xxx_actueel to be refreshed, so now use

    action: >
      [[[ return variables.z_wave ? 'call-service' : 'call-service'; ]]]
    service: >
      [[[ return variables.z_wave ? 'zwave_js.refresh_value' : 'script.turn_on'; ]]]
      entity_id: >
        [[[ return variables.z_wave ? 'sensor.' + id + '_actueel' : 'script.' + id + '_meterget_power'; ]]]

however, there’s some ambiguity in the services page for the refresh_all_values:

we can tick the box below the question so indicate ‘true’. on the right side the toggle is then activated.

What would be the purpose for that, given the fact we still have to click Call service to execute?

So the checkbox is because that field is ‘Optional’, so enabling it allows you to set the boolean to ‘On’ as the default is ‘Off’.

you mean as a double safeguard: checkbox is only to allow to enable the toggle, and, after enabling the toggle, we can click Call service to refresh all values too? Iow:

checkbox off: No refresh_all_values parameter is set
checkbox on, toggle off: refresh_all_values: off
checkbox on, toggle on: refresh_all_values: on

which still doesnt clear this up completely for me. what is the difference between
checkbox off, and checkbox on with toggle off. checkbox says:

Whether to refresh all values (true) or just the primary value (false)

But it does so in both cases??

The checkbox is for any option that’s an optional parameter, if you check through other service calls you’ll see the checkbox and some other field ie: string entry field.

Personally I would have went with a If value of UI object is not the default, send the option's value but I don’t tinker with the frontend. :wink:

I’m having the same problem.
I have tried setting it not to start at boot, and I’ve even uninstalled the zwave js addon.
The next time I restart HA it comes back. Sometimes it reappears even if I don’t restart HA.
It competes with zwavejs2mqtt for the usb controller port at startup, and sometimes it wins, causing zwavejs2mqtt to loop forever trying to connect to the zwave controller.
Setting it to not start at boot, or even uninstalling it doesn’t help.

I did not try to uninstall it, but are you saying that even when uninstalled it starts automatically? That does not make sense to me, because how can it start if it is uninstalled?

That’s right. Yesterday I had uninstalled it, and after a HA restart it was back again. So there’s something funny going on.

Thanks, It works now!

I’m the device file guy for zwave-js and this hasn’t been reported to me, so it’ll never get fixed unless I accidentally fix it. You need to open an issue on the node-zwave-js project.


@blhoward2 I updated the device file in https://github.com/zwave-js/node-zwave-js/pull/2009 and has been merged, now my device doesn’t die when ZWave-JS queries it

I am running the Zwave JS to MQTT (0.8.0) add on and have a Homeseer HSM200 and am trying to change the color of the light. I can in the web GUI, but cannot in HA. How do I get the entity to show in HA?

Using the zwave js integration, where can i find the control panel? Using the standard addon with supervisor addon.

There isn’t one yet - the integration is at an early stage of implementation, as stated in the documentation in the “Current Limitations” section…

did anyone try to include a Fibaro The Button yet?
Would love to add a physical button to quickly dis/enable the alarm panel. Have all scripts ready and in use via the HA Lovelace interface but would like the additional functionality of this button. (though I did read several reviews complaining about response) So, if you did include it, please comment on how it works!

Okay thanks for the information.
But how can I manage the luminance from an Pir. To set the sentitive for lightning?

You need to run the zwavejs2mqtt add-on.

but you can’t have both add-ons running at the same time.

an anyone point me to where to find out if Scene Controllers are now supported? I have an old ZWN-SC7 Enerwave 7 Button Scene Controller , I was able to add it, but not sure if it’s working or not. Dont know where check, what events to listen for, etc? Any help would be awesome.

try listening for “zwave_js_event”