Let's start talking about the new Z-wave JS integration

Unfortunately after you restart the add-on you lose the previous logs. I’ll have to wait 24 hours for a failure now and then will report back.


Thanks for all the Innovelli recommendations - I pre-ordered a red series dimmer to try out :slight_smile:


Is there any way of getting the full logs from supervisor? Instead of only a small part of them I would like the whole logs from when the add-on started :slight_smile:

Can I pull them from the docker container?

Also - is there a way to change the logging level so I can get more logs?


Parameter 13 is not split into partials unless the zjs device documentation is incorrect. Parameter 16 is for sure but 13 is the static LED bar color (not notifications).

I’m on mobile so definitely paraphrasing.

See my picture below. It worked and I can see the value in my ZWAVEJS2MQTT dashboard change when I call the service.

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To further clarify, it is allowing me to add the prescribed list of colors or the color names. It is not, for example, letting me set color value to 1. And for my lzw36’s white is not yet mapped as 255, so that is failing as well.

In addition, my 1.52 beta dimmer isn’t taking any values for this parameter…

Why would you set value to 1? Its not a pre-defined color.

Cant help here. I only have LZW31SN

My previous post was setting parameter 13 on a switch with 1.52. Maybe re-flash it?

Setting the LED bar to custom color values might be fixed in the 2021.4 release. I think what you’re describing is something I’ve encountered recently here:

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This is correct. Right now if there are predefined values for a config parameter, only those can be set, even if it supports custom values, but this has been resolved for 2021.4

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There was an omission in the current release that did not honor the allowmanual option when there are enumerated named values but where any numeric value is also valid. The current version erroneously checks that a numeric value corresponds to one of the enumerated names which here is incorrect since any value is legal, only some convenient names are supplied as shortcuts. An issue was open and my understanding is that the fix will be in 21.4 (fixed code looks to be in the development version)

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I posted this on it’s own, but got no attention, and I’d really appreciate some confusion-clearing for me, as I’m really just a beginner at this.

I switched over to ZwaveJS2MQTT a couple weeks ago. Hiccoughs here and there, my own fault on most of them, bad hardware here and there… But I like it - it’s faster, easier to use, mostly.

But that graph… The last 19 devices I’ve added, both battery and hardwired, are hanging out there to the right. Even after a couple days, even after a restart of HA. They WORK, yes. The battery one’s are door sensors, they report. The hardwired ones are switches, and one garage door opener, and they do what they should. But - why do they show no neighbors or even attachment? It’s been like this for a few days.

The “map” means nothing, don’t worry about it

Are there plans to do anything with it to make it work? I liked to see (when I had 1.4) the connections.

But thanks - good not to be concerned with it!

The map here doesn’t actually show the routes the messages are taking, it’s really a generalized overview based of the neighbor list. If you’re concerned about it working you’d have to talk to the zwavejs2mqtt devs to poke at it.

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Has anyone gotten the tilt position of slats on a venetian blind working with a Fibaro Roller Shutter 3?

I can set the cover position from HA as well as ZWaveJS2MQTT control panel, but the node does not show anything to set tilt position, using the service out of HA does not throw an error but also doesn’t register anything in the logs of ZWaveJS2MQTT.

My best guess is that the functionality of the device was not included in the configuration? It also never worked on OZW 1.4 - was hoping for an upgrade here… :slight_smile:

Why WOULDN’T I if I can (I have lots of various colors mapped to different states of home or weather, so I need many different colors). Especially 255, which is not mapped as white. My entire home is white when home.

Thanks guys, this makes a LOT of sense and I’m glad someone was ahead of me on this. All of the sudden I had like 250 log entries on this and noticed my red wasn’t changing back to white so I was concerned the alarm was armed when it wasn’t. Glad to hear it’s resolved, I’ll leave everything as-is for now.

I have paired up 2 Zooz 4-1 sensors and all the entities were found and it’s working great. The problem, all be it, a small one is that the integration doesn’t know the manufacturer or the model type.

It may not be in the database. If it is, you’ll have to reinterview the devices and keep them alive during the entire reinterview process (which can be quite difficult).

Thanks appreciate it

I actually have a Zooz 4-in-1 sensor and ZwaveJS found it with manufacture and model info