Life 360 support

Well, after weeks of trying I haven’t been able to get this addon to work… :expressionless:

I’m sorry to hear that. I’m looking at making the part of the regular components from ha but based on your problems I’m not sure that you will have different results. It’s more or less the same code just different language.

yeah, I tried it on a fresh install and it won’t work, I shut off my fire wall, turned off PI-hole, antivirus and VPN, other than then configuration, I’m not sure what more to check…

William, you may want to try this script
You need to copy the script and create a sensor. Instructions on the link.

Thanks @juan11perez, I’ll give it try.

Any chance you can have it publish two places? I’d like to http post the data to OwnTracks recorder as well for mapping history

This is so odd, I’m getting the following error with this script “Life360 has not responsed well. Nothing to worry, will try again!”… but it never connects. Either I don’t know how to set this up or something in my setup will not allow me to get information from Life360.

It’s either

Did you set up the sensor that he has in the associated package?

Yes I did. The sensor is showing up sensor.life360_sensor but with error as the state. I checked my user ID and pws they both correctly on the Life360 website. so that isn’t the problem, not sure what else to look at.

Just to confirm, sensor should look like this

  • platform: life360
    username: !secret life360_username
    password: !secret life360_password
    mqtt_topic: “/life360/data”
    scan_interval: 60

And you must have owntracks as well (mqtt) version

William, I spent ALL morning troubleshooting this and it’s because the busy box shell inside hassio does not have the -P option for grep that he uses in the script to grab the tokens from the curl. Someone would have to rewrite the getting of the tokens in python to get around this, or hardcode the tokens and family IDs

@juan11perez that is exactly how I set it up.

  - platform: life360
    username: [email protected]
    password: mypassword
    mqtt_topic: "/life360/data"
    scan_interval: 60 

In my configuration file, I have

  - platform: owntracks

Any other configuration I may have missed?

@shaddow I don’t have the skill sets to troubleshot it, but if that is the case why would other using HASSIO not have a problem with the addon? At least reading through this thread it sounds like several people using HASSIO are able to use the add-on.

No that’s all. I believe.
On your life360 were you invited to the circle or is it your own?
I remember the sensor not connecting initially, when I was monitoring a circle where I was invited.
If that’s the case try resetting your password and adding the new password to HA.

The “Life360 has not responsed well” error is not from the add-on that editter wrote but is just a custom component that juan suggested you try. It has nothing to do with the add-on.

haha! Sorry I confused the two. Unfortunately neither work in my case.

I am having the same issue with the error. Will this allow more than one circle?
Edit: I got it working by deleting one circle. I don’t know if it matters but I kept the one that I am Admin of. @William_Rodriguez try that.

@juan11perez, @shaddow I got the script working by making the changes @claytonjn mentioned in his post. Not sure if that is the way to go about it, I’m still looking at the data.

@natedogny I only have one circle and I’m the admin for it.

Update: Its working correctly. HA is receiving the different zone changes!

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William glad you got it to work.

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Yea, that is more elegant than my solution, guess I should have scrolled up.