Life360 bug wreaking havoc

:rofl: btw, it’s called Raclette.

Yes I’m from South East Switzerland, 1 hour drive from Zurich.

The Pi Zero W has Bluetooth integrated, I use them for room presence detection. Depending on the layout of your home, you don’t need to put them under the floor. I have power sockets approx in the middle of the wall, so I just put the charger into the socket, attached the pi and put some kind of tape around it. This has a pretty small footprint and high WAF at the same time. All the pis are in these sockets for something like two years now and I never removed them.

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Assuming you’re referring to: GitHub - pnbruckner/ha-composite-tracker: Home Assistant Composite Device Tracker

Yes, it is “kind of” superseded by the person integration. However, I still believe my composite handles various scenarios better than person does, and I still use it instead of person. (I did try to use person for a while, because, heck, one less thing to support, but I found it didn’t work very well, at least for my situation.)

You can always use composite between several device_tracker entities for a given person and the person integration. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sadly this doesn’t seem to want to work, I’m calling it like this:

      - service: notify.telegram
          message: Looks like there is a problem with Dave's life360 app, manually correcting
      - service: device_tracker.see
          dev_id: life360_dave
          location_name: 'home'

where the full name of the entity is called device_tracker.life360_dave.
I get the telegram message but the entity state doesn’t change. Ho hum!
Thanks! :slight_smile:

You’d probably have to supply more the parameters (e.g., gps, etc.) for it to work. But even if you got it to work, the life360 integration would just change it back when it gets a new update. That would only work in the scenario where there were no updates coming from the Life360 server. (Didn’t read the whole thread in detail, so not sure what problem you’re trying to fix/workaround.)

Hi Phil, that would suit perfectly. I want Life360 to correct the manually input state as soon as ever it can. Will persevere with more testing

Yeah so I can get the state to change perfectly using the services tool, just not via an automation. The automation is now throwing errors:

  - alias: 'Override life360 dave'
    initial_state: 'on'
      platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.dave_bluetooth
      to : 'home'
        minutes: 5
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ states("device_tracker.life360_dave") != "home" }}'
      - service: notify.telegram
          message: Looks like there is a problem with Dave's life360 app, manually correcting
      - service: device_tracker.see
          dev_id: 'life360_dave'
          location_name: 'dsds'

The error is Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'trigger' is undefined

EDIT ha! I’d no sooner written this post than it triggered automatically/organically rather than being told to ‘execute’ from the states register and it worked! So it just didn’t like being called manually?!

Um, the automation you post doesn’t use data_template or trigger, so are you sure that error is from this automation???

When you trigger an automation manually (either via the EXECUTE button in the “more info” window, or by using the automation.trigger service), the trigger and condition parts are skipped and the action part is directly run. Since the trigger part was skipped, there is no trigger variable defined when the action part runs.

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Remove the space in the trigger part between “to” and “:”