Life360 integration not working after 2022.7.2 update

Hi there,

is anybody else experiencing this issue since the latest update?
It’s not showing the correct home status as well as the distance from home (not set).


Mine is showing the correct home status but the place attribute is stuck on null.

There’s a breaking change with Life360 in 2022.7. Read the release notes and all info in there…all works fine with 2022.7 HA version once configured correctly :+1:t2:

Also there are two threads dedicated to Life360 on here too…one specifically about testing the changes if you wanted check them out.

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Let me know if you can’t get it working the way you need.

Thanks for your help, home status is now working again!

The only issue i still have is my proximity sensor I configured in the configuration.yaml, i doesn’t show the distance from home any more. Any workaround for this?

Thanks again

Edit: Just found out that “life360” was removed from the entity name. I updated the entitiy in my configuration.yaml, now it’s working again!

I’m glad you got things working again!

But, …

What do you mean by “entity name”? Do you mean “entity ID”? How did you change this in configuration.yaml? As far as I know, you’re supposed to make these changes from the Entities page (or otherwise getting to the “settings” for the entity.)

Yes, sorry, i changed the entitiy id.

This fix is for my proximity sensor only, not for the home status.

I set up a proximity sensor in my configuration.yaml

      - device_tracker.device_name
    tolerance: 50
    unit_of_measurement: km

In the fourth line at devices I had “device_tracker.life360.device_name”
After the update the entity ID changed “device_tracker.device_name” so I needed to change this in my yaml in order to make the proximity sensor work again.

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Ok, gotcha.

The alternative was to go to the Entities page and change the entity ID of the new life360 entity to device_tracker.life360_device_name (after the old entities are removed) so nothing else in the system had to change.

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Any thoughts on why the place attribute is not working for me?

It just displays what the Life360 provides for that value. It’s not processed in any way by the life360 HA integration. So, no, I wouldn’t know why. Sorry. It does seem to generally have the expected value for my life360 entities, but I can’t say that I look at it often. When I’m looking at HA I’m usually more concerned about HA zones than Life360 Places.

My Life360 stopped working yesterday July 29th, 2023. It says it needs to be reconfigured, but when I click in “reconfigure” I get an error that says " Error: Config flow could not be loaded: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble"

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It’s not related to the update from last year, it is a more recent issue that needs to be fixed at the Life360 end, though I believe there may be a temporary fix available for HA users.

Got the same problem yesterday, i’m looking for a solution

Looks like you need to look at the issue logged in GitHub (I haven’t done this myself yet)

There is a fix there now, you can download the update and add it to your config directory, or probably wait for the next HA release. I installed it and it is working again.

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Should be fixed in 2023.8.0b3.