Light accumulation for xiaomi flower sensor

I’ve not found a perfect solution for this either, but this is my current solution (power monitoring, not plant light, same idea though):


The lovelace card I’m using is just a standard iframe card linking to a grafana chart. I have a similar set up with an integration sensor piped into a utility sensor. From there it goes into InfluxDB and then I have the chart for it in grafana.

The setup for the query is nothing special, just selecting on max value with a minimum interval of 24 hours (shown below), and the visualization is just a standard bar chart.


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Hey, any update?

It’s still working as aspected?

Still doing as described above. Haven’t spent any time on it since, and haven’t compared to flower care app or any other sensors.

  • Template sensor to convert lux to mol/s⋅m² using the linked table.
  • Integration sensor.
  • Utility meter.
  • (And then another template sensor to get the previous daily value into it’s own sensor so I can dosplay it)

I’m displaying it like this with todays and yesterdays values:

do you mind to share config? I would like to test it and see if results are the same


    source: sensor.plant_06_49_total_light_integral
    cycle: daily
  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{  (float(float(states.sensor.plant_06_49_light_intensity.state)*0.0185)/1000000) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: "mol/s⋅m²"      
  - platform: integration
    name: plant_06_49_total_light_integral
    source: sensor.plant_06_49_ppfd
    method: trapezoidal
    unit_time: s
    round: 2
  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{  states.sensor.plant_06_49_daily_light_integral.attributes.last_period  }}'
        unit_of_measurement: "mol/d⋅m²" 

Example of daily light integral as a bar chart with the new version of mini-graph-card:

Hover on a bar:

I tried but I failed, maybe there’s something wrong in my config

Did you get it working?

No. I promised to me to restart over but i haven’t much time these days

Hi @Sand,

I’m new to HASS can you elaborate or give me some pointers in relation to:

  • What is Template sensor? Can you share it?
  • What is linked table? Did you modified DB?


This table

See my previous post for the template sensor code.

Hey there Guys. I work for an agriculture LED light manufacturer and might be able to give some lighting info. The difference between measurements like Lux and Par (umol, DLI, PPFD, etc…) are that they are measured from different parts of the light spectrum. Each “color” of light carries a different energy or intensity. Plants utilize different parts of the light spectrum than humans do. Plants are able to process light in the color range of roughly 400-720nm, this is called the PAR range (photosynthetis active radiation) the amount of photons in this range are what is measured on the plant surface. DLI is the amount of photons that touch the plants surface over a period of time. Agronomist look into DLI to make sure the plant is receiving enough light over a certain amount of time to produce fruit or flowers etc… The only sensor that is made to correctly measure PAR levels is a quantum sensor. DLI is a measurement of mol and PPFD is umol (micromol). Remember, Humans see lumens/ lux, Plants see photons. The challenge is not the calculation, it’s the limitation in what the sensor can take in.


So to summarize, You can definitely make the calculation from lux to PPFD (umol/m2/s) but know that you are only getting part of the picture in the calculation. So depending on how accurate you want to be with your light readings depends on the type of light sensor you deploy. This photo shows what is called the “mcree curve”. You can see the two measurements and ranges of nm.