X as Switch

I need the opposite of the new “Switch as X” feature!

Smart switches show up as lights in HA. As I am using them as plain switches (they may or many not control a light – the latter being actually controlled by a separate slave power switch), I’d like HA to treat them the same.

Please. Pretty please.

Interesting, which integration does that? As that sounds more like a bug that needs fixing :flushed:

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Zigbee ZHA, with Jasco smart switches (sold under the “enbrighten” brand).

I also have some Zigbee switches which do the same thing, show up as lights. So far I’ve used template switches to ‘convert’ them.

Would to mind sharing your template code?

No worries.

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('light.kingsley_games_room_camera_power', 'on') }}"
          service: light.turn_on
            entity_id: light.kingsley_games_room_camera_power
          service: light.turn_off
            entity_id: light.kingsley_games_room_camera_power

This device also reports as a light instead of four switches.

I second your request as also Philips Hue switches are delivered in the ‘light’ domain.

…and everything z-wave from my Telldus too, so my curtains are lights…

2024 Still have the same experience with a Tuya 7-32v relay. It ZHA picked it up right away, but it appears as a light instead of a switch.

You must not be amused. But personally LOL, no offense intended. I can see the helper section explode. Light as curtain, climate as refrigerator, fan as toaster oven, …